Chapter 3

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In apologies for the inconveniance with the last chapter, I decided that you guys deserved an extra quick update. Hope you guys enjoy this. I loved writing about the supernatural! <3

Vote, comment, fan! It makes me update faster!!


Good news: James didn’t confront me at school the next day.

Bad news: James wasn’t even at school the next day, so I wasn’t sure if he was serious about leaving my relationship with Jake alone or if he was planning something. James was known to not come to school if he thought he had something more important to do.

It wasn’t until the halls were filled between third and fourth period that I opened my ears and heard the news. Well, even if my ears were closed, I would’ve found out. The corridors were buzzing with the information, and it was spreading through the school like a virus.

James was in the hospital.

This fact sent a shockwave through the entire school, and I knew the town would react just as drastically. Who would want to do this to James? He didn’t have any public enemies. Some whispered about a gang, but their voices rang with the lie; everyone knew the rumor mill was just stirring up trouble.

Maybe the better question would be who could do this to James? It was no surprise that he could hold his own in a fight. It was practically legend how he’d saved a little girl from being raped outside a bar by a drunk man. He was only fourteen against a full-grown man, but he’d done it. Of course, his reputation as the town’s bad boy strengthened since he’d been at the bar as well, but he had a good heart. As far as anyone was concerned, James Kennedy was untouchable.

I continued wondering about him and his condition for the rest of the day. His sudden injuries didn’t add up in my head. A wave of guilt crashed over me whenever I thought about him, but what would I have to be guilty about? It wasn’t like I had a part in hospitalizing him. The guilt grew stronger at my firm denial. I ignored the strange feelings.

I wanted nothing more than to go see him, but Violet convinced my to stay at school. When she pressed for my reason, I admitted that I was worried about him, and, okay, the idea of James getting beat up appalled me. After that, we joked about suddenly becoming very interested in nursing and wanting to get a feel of what the job required, such as helping those that couldn’t feed or bathe themselves. The idea of rivulets of water dribbling down his naked chest had us both drifting off into our own thoughts and fantasies. What a sight it would be, I just knew.

I was prepared to rush home and freshen up before surprising James at the hospital. Despite what had happened the night before, I knew that I had to go see him. I would’ve gone to see anyone regardless, but this felt more personal. This felt like I owed him a visit, as if I’d put him there by my actions. The guilt clenched in my stomach, roaring it’s agreement that I was responsible in my head.

I bumped into Jake in my rush out the doors. Disoriented, I stared at him star struck before coming to my senses.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” he wondered.

“To see James.” His eyebrows furrowed together.


I shrugged. “I feel like I should see him. Maybe I’ll visit with the elderly, too.”

“Oh.” He looked baffled before his expression smoothed into an understanding smile. “Well, you’ve always been a very caring person. That’s what I love about you.” His lips fell to my forehead in a proud kiss. I closed my eyes. Even if I wasn’t happy with his extent of PDA, his smooth lips were familiar, always kept perfectly and professionally un-chapped with his chap stick. My body filled with content, feeling worthy to stand next to such a businesslike man. At the moment, I didn’t want to be wild. I didn’t want to be crazy and have fun that included doing partly illegal activities. I just wanted to have my clean, responsible relationship with Jake.

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