Chapter 7

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I made this extra long because I had NO IDEA how long it'd been since I had last updated. It might be kinda rushed at the end since I wanted to post this before I left for Cedar Point tomorrow :D So excited!!!

You guys know the drill. Vote, comment, fan! (And yes, I had sour cream and onion chips today... This is getting freaky O.o)


“Am I interrupting something?”

Violet shot away from him, even though he tried to snag his arms around her waist. He still seemed dazed, which was the reason he failed to catch her.

“I would say I can come back later,” I continued, “but I think this is supposed to be my room, so I’m kind of entitled to it.”

It was only after I’d gotten over my shock of seeing Violet getting her mouth mauled that I realized her appearance. She clutched a purple towel to her chest protectively, her knuckles beginning to turn white from her merciless grasp.

Her hair was straight with the weight of the water still in it, dribbles leaking out of her head and chasing each other down her back and shoulders until the met the towel, where their game came to an abrupt halt once they were soaked in. It was a shade darker, almost black instead of her usual brunette.

Her face was clear of makeup, but she looked well rested, not a hint of the bags that haunted her eyes yesterday. With a quick glance at the mirror hanging above what seemed to be a black vanity that was bare of any supplies, I knew my bags had been chased away too. Why hadn’t we had nightmares during all of that sleep? Now that I thought back, it had almost been peaceful, as if I’d known nothing would ever hurt me again. What could have caused me to rest so soundly, right after I’d been kidnapped?

Clearly she had just gotten out of the shower, too, but why was she here? And why did she look so confused and afraid? I turned my glare towards the blonde stranger.

“What did you do?” I asked slowly, my voice low and threatening.

“What did you just say to me?” He responded with his own question. His voice was the same slow, almost formal drawl as Xavier’s.

“I think you heard me.” I reached out to tug Violet behind me. “No one kisses my best friend without her permi-”

He was in front of my before I could finish my sentence, breathing in my face. Although he wasn’t hard to look at and he didn’t stink, I felt very uncomfortable with his nearness. “And who are you to tell me how to treat my mate?” he snarled, baring his teeth that had grown sharp. Not just his incisors like a vampire but every tooth was slanted into a lethal tip.

Instead of cowering with the close proximity of those fangs, I curled my lip into a snarl, showing him my own blunt teeth. “I’m her best friend. I don’t know you, she was scared, and that immediately makes you the bad guy.”

“She’s also my mate.” We all froze at the power and anger that voice held, all too familiar to me. “Back down from her, Jace, before I make you.”

The blonde, Jace, snapped his mouth shut, but didn’t move a single muscle in his legs. “She criticized my ability to care for my mate,” he justified.

Your mate has a name,” Violet and I both said at the same time.

Arms wrapped around my waist from the side, in the direction the door was. “Why are you antagonizing Jace, Princess?” Xavier murmured in my ear.

“He was kissing my best friend without her permission,” I growled, well as much as a human can growl. It didn’t sound anywhere near intimidating after I’d witnessed a demon’s.

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