Chapter 19

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 In honor of Nobody's Angel making 200,000 reads, here's a new chapter for my amazing fans! I was seriously jumping up and down and screaming like an idiot, guys. My dog looked at me like I was insane, but I couldn't find it in myself to care.

I don't mean to go on a big spiel, but I started off writing as a curious 11 year old. I was eleven guys! And now I have 150 fans? 200,000 reads on a book I wasn't even gonna show anybody because I thought it was stupid? Where would I be without my amazing readers?

You guys are amazing. I love you all soooooo much! <3


My eyes widened at Eva, who bravely stepped in between the two creatures and pushed them away from each other roughly. Her eyes were tinged with red in a unique combination of red and her naturally dark blue eyes. Her skin remained tan, depicting that she was in more control than her husband or my mate was.

I had been too afraid to step into the middle of the shaking, snarling males, and I feared for the girl whose body was still midst of adolescence. Her six foot height didn't look nearly as tall as she stalked between the two giants, unstable in their anger. Her arms were small and dainty, but she’d somehow been able to force them apart a step or two. She glared at them, her gaze flickering from her right to her left, disapproving each in turn with her eyes.

“You,” she turned towards Seth, giving Xavier her back. Seth stiffened at her trust, but Xavier didn't so much as glance at her, keeping his gaze targeted on Seth. “Calm down. Look at me Seth Valdez!” He tore his red glare from Xavier’s challenging stare to look at her unwillingly. “I’m fine. Remember that they are our allies. They’re our friends. Okay? I’m going to help her whether it makes me uncomfortable or not, not only because she is associated with the demon race, but because she is human and is scared. I know all too well what that feels like.”

Her last sentence caused him to regain control over his less tamable side, his skin returning to a healthy bronze color and his eyes fading into bright green that matched the grass outside perfectly.

“I’m sorry I couldn't protect you from him, Angel,” he whispered, pulling her close for a sweet kiss. Xavier’s arm wrapping around my waist made me jump. When I looked up, his inner demon had also retreated.

“Let’s move this into the living room?” Eva suggested. She waved her hand around. “This is just a formality to appease the guards. They worry too much about anyone coming into the castle if they don’t live here.”

“Thank you,” Xavier nodded. “That would be lovely.”

We were led by the two amorous vampires into a roomy living room with leather couches, much to the apprehension of the guards waiting outside the door of the ball/throne room. Eva avoided their ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ with an innocent smile and tinkling laughter, assuring them that they “had nothing to worry about whatsoever” in an airy, convincing voice. In a last ditch effort, they looked to Seth for confirmation of her choice. His firm nod and stern eyes made them back down instantly. They made an amazingly persuasive team.

“The notes, please?” Eva asked once again. She was seated in Seth’s lap while he rubbed soothing circles into her thighs with his thumbs, resting his chin on her shoulder. Xavier and I faced them in a small love seat, our legs brushing against each others. I took great comfort in that touch.

“I actually burned the first,” Xavier admitted, rubbing his neck uncomfortably. He cleared his throat. If I didn't know any better, I would've said he was a little bashful about his mistake.

“Understandable,” Seth supported.

“Can you at least remember what it said?” Eva pleaded, eyes begging us for the critical information.

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