Chapter 4

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Alright, who loves me? This was originally planned as two chapters, but I couldn't stop writing!! So, enjoy this update that finally gives some action with they mysterious X! :)

Oh, and if you like this story, be sure to thank that girl right up there that bugs me daily for updates. Literally, every night she texts me about this story, and she knows that I love her for it! 

Please please please vote, comment, and fan!! Especially COMMENT!!! :)


I woke up shaking with fear. Nightmares had plagued my dreams all night. What would start out as a beautiful walk in a forest turned into a mad dash to get away from X. My mind conjured up gruesome images of his large, grimy hands reaching for me, his oily hair tickling my face, and his breath flowing down my neck as he laughed when he caught me, making me gag. I’d struggle uselessly, but he was far too strong.

“Don’t worry, Princess,” he’d sneer. “I’m here now.” Then his hand would lightly touch my cheek, almost lovingly, and I feared for my virtue. My hoarse screams gave way to chocked sobs as he dragged me away.

I would wake up sweating bullets, the sheets that were tangled around my legs like a snare soaked with sweat. My pillow had a pool of wetness where my head had been, a mixture of tears and perspiration.

Twice I’d had to sprint to the bathroom, making it both times just as I threw up my measly dinner. The first time, although disgusting, wasn’t as bad as the second. The second time, since I had nothing left in my gut, was simply stomach acid, the little water I’d drank to wash away the taste after the first episode, and a lot of dry heaving. Tears leaked out of my eyes as I sat there, my head against the cool toilet seat, my throat rubbed raw.

Now, as I looked blankly around my bathroom, I knew I wouldn’t find the courage to get a shower. Despite how terrible I felt after my torturous night, the thought of being surrounded by that steam, have that water run down my body, scared me to no end. What had that been? It hadn’t been human, I knew that much. I blushed at the thought. To think I was entertaining the idea of magic! But there was no other explanation. Mere liquid couldn’t have given me that rush of power and confidence, whatever it was. Water didn’t swirl around my body with a mind of its own, as if gravitated to my presence.

People didn’t disappear, either. X couldn’t be human…could he? Was it possible for someone to possess such stealth, such precision, that they could watch someone for a length of time, and then simple vanish into the shadows?

I shook my head roughly, dislodging such thoughts of supernatural elements and beings. Magic didn’t exist. I was losing my mind. Yet, even as I reassured myself, some part of me thrilled at the concept of such possibilities. What other things were out there that I didn’t know of?

I padded down into the kitchen, hoping that my mom wasn’t around to witness my clumsy appearance. Sadly, she sat at the table, drinking her morning coffee and reading one of her magazines that had those self-help suggestions that would cure all of your problems. She thoroughly believed in the home remedies; I thought they were a bunch of garbage. No one could tell my mom that, though.

“My goodness, Ivy!” my mom gasped. “Are you feeling alright? Well, of course you aren’t! You look like the walking dead!”

“Gee, thanks mom,” I mumbled, wrapping my arms around my stomach at the thought of choking down a bite of breakfast. The thought of food stirred it warningly, daring me to rifle through the cupboards. I didn’t take that dare. I slumped into the chair opposite of my mom instead, stealing her mug of coffee. It was black, causing me to scour up my face in disgust.

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