Chapter 6

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First, I wanna give a thank you to all of the veterans that have served/are serving our country, especially my Papa. Those that have died, you will be missed <3

Alright! I wanted to update for you guys, so I'm celebrating the Fourth with chapter 6! :)

Vote if you liked it, and comment if you love cookies! (That's right, because EVERYONE loves cookies!)

P.S. Is it weird that sour cream & onion chips make me write? Seriously, I can go through popcorn, regular chips, and ice cream with a blank screen, but if I have sour cream & onion chips it's like, "Whoa! Ideas!" Is that weird...? TELL ME IN A COMMENT!!! :)

Ok, carry on reading now.


“You’re crazy if you think I’m going to take a shower.”

“Call the asylum, Princess.”

He wasn’t even fazed by my piercing drop-dead glare. I’ve been told that my look could bring the military to their knees. Apparently it didn’t work on a demon prince.

After my initial shock had worn off, I’d proceeded to squeeze as much information as I could out of Xavier. Half the time he’d responded, “You don’t have to worry about that. That’s my job.” Was it too much to ask how heavily guarded this place was? I didn’t think it was an unreasonable question. I just wanted to know how easy my escape was going to be, not that he realized that was my reasoning behind the question. My so-called mate wasn’t helping me very much. I did manage to get a couple of pieces of valuable data from him, though.

A List of Information That Should Be Taken as Warnings

By: Ivy Ross

·         He was a demon, so he had unnatural powers that I’d have to watch out for.

·         He controlled fire, so I had to be cautious to not go by any flames during my escape, since I figured he could pop out of nowhere.

·         He was royalty, so there were going to be an unknown amount of guards surrounding the place.

·         I’m his mate, his greatest strength and weakness, so if all else fails, use him to help escape without him realizing my true plan until after I’m long gone

·         We were in another dimension, not below the Earth, but where demons resided, so humans would refer to this place as Hell- so, yes, we were in Hell. (This first part was his version, the second was my much shorter, straightforward answer) Therefore, I couldn’t ask for any help since they would either be loyal to Xavier and bring me back, or by against him and use me to lure him. Either way, I lost. So there was no help for me.

·         Violet was unharmed and closer than I thought. It was a surprise, or so Xavier had said. So, first, I would have to find my best friend, then figure out how to get out of here. I didn’t know how close Xavier was to whoever was stalking- er, mates- with Violet, so “closer than I thought” could mean down the hall or across the town or whatever they had here. I’d just have to wait.

I gripped my head. It was all so confusing. Now, we were arguing about me showering. Seriously, how stupid did he think I was?

“So you’re telling me that the water that’s going to spout out of that nozzle won’t faze me?”

He looked startled. Yeah, buddy, I’m on to you.

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