Chapter 17

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I’d never thought of myself as adventurous. Stubborn? Sure. Strong headed? Maybe at times. Adrenaline junkie? Not in a million years. Compared to me, the Cowardly Lion was a superhero. I didn't yearn to feel a rush of excitement by bungee jumping off a multistory building. I liked my stomach just where it sat, not up in my throat as I skydived out of a plane. If you had ever told me that I would be a courageous, fearless leader, taking on every adventure that came barreling my way, I would have laughed in your face.

Then again, if you had also told me a few weeks ago that I would be screaming at the Lord of Demons, who was by the way my mate’s father, I would have called you crazy then too. Yet here I was. Irony is great, isn't it?

Our conversation started out very mellow, mind you. We engaged in the usual small talk, the la-di-da, mindless chatter than never had any certain direction or purpose. They asked me how I liked it here, what I thought of Xavier and the blazing bond, and my opinion of the demon people. I answer awkwardly, stuttering through my answers in a self-conscious mumble until Xavier squeezed my hand supportedly, encouraging me to speak u. So how did this warm, fuzzy discussion turn so aggressive? I’m getting there.

“I suppose we should discuss why you two are really here,” Xavier’s dad sighed. His tone was ominously somber.

“Get on with it then,” Xavier replied tartly, tucking me slightly behind him apprehensively, as if prepared to protect me form the words about to be said like they were bullets he could deflect.

“We intercepted another note.”

The familiar heat pressed against my side wasn't surprising. Any kind of communication from my wannabe assassin was bound to instantly enrage him. What I didn't expect was his roar- yes , it was an animistic cry of anger- that echoed throughout the room, tempting to glass windows to shatter under the mountain of decibels.

Like once before in our room when he had been reminded of Jake and James, his internal furnace surged up his throat and out of his mouth, the ferocious flames brushing against the roof. Similar knives of fire protruded from his knuckles, singeing the expensively tiled floor. When he quieted, his chest was heaving with surplus rage. His lips curled into a snarl, revealing two rows of deadly fangs that served as his once blunt teeth.

His mom stared at me curiously, obviously gauging my reaction to her son’s abrupt display of his pure demonic heritage. When I didn't shy away, her cautious expression blossomed into acceptance and pleasant surprise. Her smile beamed at me proudly, joyous at my naturalness. I timidly smiled back.

His father had quite the opposite reaction. Instead of understanding the hatred that Xavier could not suppress, he had the audacity to accuse him of being brash.

“Control yourself,” he snapped. “Impulsiveness stems from emotions, which you are allowing to get the best of you. Think with your head, boy. You don’t even know what was said.”

Xavier breathed deeply in response, trying to force himself to calm down. He clutched me like a lifeline, burying his nose in my neck to take in my scent. His arms crushed me against his monstrous, shaking frame.

I was appalled. “How dare you?”

Lord Jonathon’s eyes swiveled to meet mine, flaring with pride at my accusing tone. “I beg your pardon?”

“How dare you tell him to calm down? He has every right to be angry. How would you feel if your mate’s life was threatened?”

“Learn your place girl…”

“No!” I yelled, stomping across the floor until I was directly in front of his throne. “What right did you have to intercept that note anyways? It was meant for me, and I should have been the first one to read those words! You’re trying to oppress not only Xavier’s power as your heir, but mine as well and it’s pissing me off!” I took a deep breath, balling my fists. “Plus, if you had any business in this case, you would know that we have a suspect in our custody.” He was innocent, but to know that. All he had to realize was that we had already sunk our teeth into this investigation without his help.

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