Chapter 5

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 Yes, I know that I didn't explain everything in this chapter. I know that you are probably going to still be confused, and that's the point!!! You guys are reading this story through Ivy's POV, which means that you will only understand what she does!

So, yes I do plan on explaining more about demons and the like. Have no doubt that MUCH more information is bound to come, but this chapter was mainly about mates and what Ivy really means to Xavier. It's way more than love, people. Way more.

And, okay, I was hungry when I wrote this, so sorry for the food referance, but can you blame me? I'm always hungry :)

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Bacon. It was arguably the most addicting meat known to man. Males made no effort to hide their desires of it, and although women liked to claim self-control, we were just as eager to feel that crunch between our teeth, have the taste of cooked pork explode in our mouths, and swallow every bit of the fattening product as we could.

Bacon was also the main reason half of the teenage population bothered to roll out of their seductive beds in the morning, sheets and all, and stumble still half asleep into the kitchen, using their noses for guidance towards the sizzling meat. More than once my mother had resorted to bribing me with it in order for me to drag myself out of bed, especially on weekdays. I was helpless to resist once I heard the promising sizzle in the frying pan.

At the moment, though, I had doubts that even the delicious aroma of bacon could lure me away from my bed. I was completely enveloped by a new smell that I instantly ranked as my favorite, even over bacon. It was a heady scent of wood smoke, melting marshmallows, and spices that I’d never smelt before but had promises of strong flavor and taste.

Still teetering between reality and dreamland, I mumbled a moan and how good it smelt before clumsily shuffling closer. Almost as if sensing my lazy distress, it moved closer to me, giving off inhumane warmth as I buried my nose in what I assumed to be the source. It oddly was very smooth, with a couple of teasing hairs tickling my nose. I found a cleft between two upraised parts and immediately got comfortable there. A contented sigh passed my smiling lips as I bunkered down for more sleep.

Just as I was about to plunge into unconsciousness, the pressure of a kiss ghosted across my forehead. My mom knew enough not to disturb me when I slept since I was worse than a grizzly woken up during hibernation, and Jake wouldn’t bother to kiss me if I wasn’t completely aware he was there, claiming that wasn’t how a woman should be treated. So who…?

My eyelids snapped open as if I was being murdered. I was still consumed by the obliviously innocence of just waking up, when memories don’t register yet. In blind panic, I tried fighting the male in what I was coming to realize wasn’t my bed, but somebody else’s. “Get off of me!” I gasped, hitting him as hard as I could in any place I could land a hit. “Get off!”

He was obviously shocked at my attack, because I managed to actually hit him once or twice. When my leg came dangerously close to colliding with a very important part of his anatomy, he snapped out of his daze. Before I could blink, my wrists were held above my head uselessly, and my legs were restrained by his own muscular ones.

A gasp flew out of my mouth like a freed bird, frantic and unstoppable. Memories swarmed by head like a beehive had been busted open and the angry inhabitants were let loose. I hadn’t been entirely focused on X when he’d taken me from the school, since he had been partially hidden by the dingy air, and I’d been distracted by the untamed flames and swirling smoke. Now, the only thing separating us was the air that crackled like a busted circuit still full of electricity, heating up the room quickly from the intensity of our stares as we drank each other in.

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