New Life

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i sighed getting up from the computer walking towards the living room. once i got there he was siting on the couch waiting for me, i was kind of scared of what he was gonna do since he is abusive...yeah i didn't tell you guys that because it really hasn't hit me yet that someone so sweet and amazing can be really hurtful 

Me: yes Jase?

Jase: i'm hungry when are you gonna make food?? you have been behind that stupid computer all day

Me: because i have been doing homework for college remember? the whole reason why i came down here in the first place?

He looked over at me and his eyes were black as they can be. i got really scared and started backing up, he slowly got up walking towards me i lead against the door once he was right in my face. i closed my eyes since i knew it was coming then. SLAP! i held my face tightly trying not to cry

Jase: i don't care if you were here for stupid college! either make me some food or go get some!

i jumped quickly grabbing my keys and leaving the house in a hurry. i didn't want to deal with him anymore but i love him at the same time...

???: hey you ok?

I jumped a little looking up at this boy starring at me worried. he was a little cute mostly sexy and i got all these thoughts about him going into my head but i snapped out of it when i was realized he was waiting for my reply 

Me: uh yeah i'm fine just a little upset 

???: are you sure?

Me: yeah i'm fine 

???: alright well i'm Justin by the way if you ever need me i'm right next door

Me: alright thanks Justin

He smiled a little then went back up his driveway and into his house. i bite my lip then slowly got into my car drving off trying to find the best food place for Jase before i got beat again


Wow that girll she's beautiful....DAMN IT!  i forgot to get her name! this fucking sucks -.- but hey maybe she will need me one day and i will get to know her name or i could just ask her when she gets back from doing whatever she is doing my phone started to ring. i pulled it out of my pocket and got scared looking at the was Charlie....i picked it up

Me; what do you want?

Charlie: wow is that how you greet old friends bieber?

Me: look i don't wanna talk to you anymore i got out of that life i'm done with it

Charlie: but come on biebs! there is a party tonight and a lot of girls are gonna be there hell you can meet my homie and his girl i heard that they moved in town

Me: are you talking about that Jase kid?? 

Charlie: yes! what do you say?? one more??

Me: ugh fine ill be there 

Charlie: great! see you there ill text you the details 

He hung up and i sighed. i threw my phone on the couch and sat down turning on the tv. i didn't want to go to this party but hey if it means meeting this guy he has been talking about and his girl then why not?   

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now