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We have been driving for a while it made me wonder where we were actually going. i looked out the window and sighed looking at all the buildings that we were passing i started to think why i started to date Jase in the first place i just wanna know why he is trying to kill me and Justin all we did is live together

Justin: are you ok Vanessa?

i turned and looked at Justin he was starring at me i nodded my head then looked out the window and saw that we were stopped in front of a cabin 

Me: what are we doing here?

Justin: this is the place that Charlie doesn't know about i always came here to think and whatever i was hiding from the guys come on

He got out the car and shut the down i sighed getting out closing the door he put out his hand and i took it we walked inside the cabin and it was pretty 

Me: i don't see why you don't live here is perfect 

Justin: i live here when things get bad just to get away for a while then go back into the real world but make yourself at home if you need to charge your phone i can show you where the room is

Me: thanks Justin

He smiled then went over the living room and sat down i walked over to the table and sat down calling my school to tell them that i'm dropping out i explained to them why and they understood


Justin showed me around the house and it made me fall more in love with the place me and him sat outside and watched the water hit the shore of the beach...oh yeah his little cabin is on the beach....his private beach can't you say amazing?

Justin: i know this is the worse time to ask this but....Vanessa will you go out with me? you make me feel like i have a purpose in life and because of you i really wanna stay away from my old life even more i don't wanna fuck up anything with you 

i smiled a little then went over to him i sat down on his lap and kissed him then pulled away 

Me: of course i will go out with you Justin you're sweet and i know your mre than a bad guy 

He smiled then hugged me tight kissing my neck i giggled a little kissing his forehead hugging him back 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now