Who's Charlie?

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While Justin was moving in his stuff i was siting at my computer trying to do my homework, it was really hard this time and i don't know why but whatever. i heard a knock on the door so i turned around to see Justin standing there i smiled a little

Me: hey there

Justin: hey what you doing there?

Me: some homework for school nothing big 

Justin: oh well i moved in just my clothes today tomorrow i will get the other stuff 

Me: thats fine by me anyways you hungry? 

Justin: yeah but i can just go out and get some pizza or something 

Me: no its fine i can make you something im not gonna be done with this paper today 

Justin: alright if you want 

i smiled then got up walking towards the kitchen, Justin followed behind once we got into the kitchen Justin sat down at the table waiting for me to cook something 

Me: so at the party...what did you mean you wanted to get away from that life?

Justin: well you might not believe me but i use to sell drugs smoke a lot go to parties get drunk all the time but once i saw my friends starting to get arrested for the things that i was doing i stopped half that stuff 

Me: what stuff are you still doing?

Justin: just partying and getting drunk but thats getting less now last night was my first party ive been to in a month 

Me; thats good well i'm kind of a good girl in a way just can't pick the right guys as you can tell from Jase anyways who's this charlie person?

Jusin: he's the leader of the group and i hate talking to him because he wants me back in that life with him and the boys but i don't want to

Me: why don't you change your number so that you don't talk to Charlie anymore?

Justin: because he always finds my number from old friends or people that know me so its kind of hard

Me: Aw i'm sorry

Once i was done cooking i gave Justin his plate and he started eating, i sat down at the table and talked a little more with Justin about this Charlie person...i wanna know what he is about  

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now