Who's Mccann?

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*Justin's Pov*

i got out of bed slowly and put on my boxers since you know i didn't have clothes on...anyways i walked out the room and went downstairs i noticed that there were cops in the house and my mom was crying i ran over to her and the cop she looked right at me and hugged me tight crying i didn't know what was going on

Cop: are you Justin? 

Me: yeah i am what happened? 

Cop:well just an hour ago your girlfriend Vanessa was taken  

my heart started to race really fast and i started to panic really bad who the hell in the world would take Vanessa away fro me! 

Me: how did this happened? 

Cop: Miss Pattie here said that Vanessa went to opened the door and when she walked into the room the door was wide opened and Vanessa was no where in sight 

Me: what kind of person would do something like that! 

then it hit me...Charlie and Jase might have something to do it with! As soon as my mom let go of me i ran upstairs really fast and grabbed my phone i called Charlie really fast and he answered my call 

Charlie: hey bieber i haven't heard from you in a while !

Me: what did you do to Vanessa! i know you have something to do with this !

Charlie: we just took her thats all she will be back to you worry...but she might be die tho

he laughed then hung up on me i got really mad and threw my phone and i looked at the door my mom was standing there with the officer from downstairs 

Me: i know who might have taken her....

*Vanessa's Pov*

i opened my eyes slowly and i looked around the place it seemed like i was in a basement of someone's house i sat up slowly and put my hand on my head it feels like something just beat the crap out of me i looked down at my body and i saw bruises and cuts my eyes started to get waterly and i seriously felt like crying my eyes out 

???: oh good you're awake 

i turned and saw a guy standing there he didn't look like someone i knew but i really couldn't tell

Me: who are you and why did you take me! i don't even know you! 

???: maybe but Charlie told me everything about you! so once i heard what he wanted me to do i jumped right on it and now here you are! 

Me: charlie put you up to this? along with Jase?

???: yup they did!

Me: ugh let me go! what is your name!

??: i'm not telling you but you can call me by my nickname that everyone calls me..Mccann

Mccann?? who's mccann?

Me:can i see what you look like? 

Mccann:nah i'm good now i'm gonna go upstairs and chill with my friends you be quiet now 

he walked up the stairs and slammed the door pretty hard and i heard it start locking up i let all my tears go why did this happen to me?? i hate my life! but then i realized that i had my phone with me! i quickly grabbed it and started texting Justin he needs to find me quick

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