Oh Canada

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We got off the plane and it felt good to come back home from Cali i mean i have been there for a while Me and Justin leave the airport and jumped into a taxi he told the taxi driver an address and he nodded his head then drove off


Justin paid the taxi driver then we walked up to the front door of the house it was kind of creepy since i didn't know this house but i got over it a guy answered the door and he looked the same age as Justin once he saw him his eyes got big then they did a bro hug i just stood there awkwardly they pulled away from the hug

Justin: Sorry Ryan this is my girlfriend Vanessa 

he smiled at me a little then waved i waved back then he let us into the house closing the door behind us 

Ryan: well my mom said that you guys can stay here for a while until you have a place of your own but why did you come back Justin? 

Justin: its a long story 

Ryan: well i got time so you should tell me everything since the day you left and how you ended up here 

He nodded his head then we walked into the living room they sat on the couch while i sat in the chair across from the couch i was still feeling a little awkward 

Justin: well as most people know i ran away from home forever ago because of what happened to my mom half way into Cali a guy named Charlie and his friends picked me up along the way and basically turned me into a bad person i was sealing drugs partying drinking hooking up with girls every night (Vanessa's Thought: wait so he isn't a virgin? he never told me he was hooking up with girls!) and one day i kept seeing all his friends getting arrested so i backed away from that life i stopped selling completey the partying and drinking were happening less and less and hooking up with girls stopped also but with all the money i had i saved up and bought a house which is how i met Vanessa she came out her house and was about to leave me and her talked a little then later i found out that the guy charlie has always wanted me to meet was her boyfriend so while him and charlie were hanging out me and her were and....i'm not gonna say what happened that night but it was just fun 

He looked over at me and winked a little i giggled biting my lip 

Ryan: damn Justin! keeping going i said all the way until you ended here!

Justin: well the next day she left my house because of school and i got a call from Charlie that her boyfriend was gonna break up with her so i was upset then the next thing i know three hours later in the day i see her door opened and she was passed out so i went to help her and we got the idea of moving in since she didn't want to be alone and didn't want her ex hurting her and those days were fun also....ANYWAYS yesterday him and charlie were trying to kill me and her so we had to leave there and go to this place i had just when i needed to think but sadly they found us there so we had to end up coming back here 

Ryan: wow i feel bad for the both of you but what if they come up here? 

Me: they won't thats why we can't back up here Jase isn't allowed to step foot here because of what happened before we left 

Ryan: what happened before you guys left? 

Me: he got into a big fight that cause the other guy to go to the hospital and right before we left that guy died so they charged Jase for murder and instead of taking him to jail they told him that he isn't allowed back here 

Ryan: oh so thats who it was! wel that was smart anyways i would love to stay and talk but i have work later guys 

He got up and gave Justin a hand shake then came over to me and hugged me then left i looked over at Justin and he looked back at me...Oh Canada 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now