Moving in

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i slammed the door a little bit seeing Jase siting on the couch with that same slut from this morning i was a little shocked that she was still here, he looked over at me in disgust i was really confused at this point because usually the girls would be gone at this point 

Jase: bitch what are you doing here?

Me: um...this is my house the place that you live

Jase: not anymore this is my house and we are done! get the fuck out!

Me excuse me? um no i didn't put all my money into this damn house for some dumbass to take it over with his new slutty girlfriend

Jase: what the fuck did you just say to me??

Me: you heard me! you get the fuck out of my house and take that bitch with you! 

he got up and walked over to me, he pinned me against the door choking me really hard. i couldn't breath at all and my neck was hurting like a bitch i had to do something before he killed me so i punched him dead in the face with my other hand he let go really fast and held his eye, i fell on the ground catching my breath i looked up and Jase's face was the last thing i saw

*Three Hours Later*

???: Vanessa? are you ok???

i opened my eyes slowly looking up at Justin's face. i looked around the room and saw that i was still in my house so i sighed, Justin helped me up and looked at me worried 

Justin: i came over once i saw your front door opened and you passed out on the ground what happened?

Me: well Jase broke up with me and tried taking my house and i stood up for myself but he choked me out and the last thing i saw was his face and everything went black

Justin: explains why it looks like you house is robbed in certain places

Me: god idk what i am gonna do i mean i don't wanna live alone i'm scared that he might come back and do more to me 

Justin how about you stay at my house for a while?

i turned and looked at Justin funny, i mean that would be a dream to live with him for a while but i'm just scared what if Justin gets in danger from keeping me in his house? what if jase kills him? so much was going into my mind 

Justin: come on vanessa it will be fine i promise just grab some stuff and move in

Me: idk i mean i have a lot of stuff that i need to bring into your house and i don't wanna do that plus i spent way too much on this house 

Justin: alright fun how about i move in?  i mean my house wasn't that much and its pretty lonely in there anyways

Me: you would do that for me?

Justin: of course! i don't want a pretty girl to be alone ill go get my stuff alright?

He smiled then walked out of my house. i bite my lip a little then jumped up and down i can't believe Justin is coming to live in my house! this is a dream come true i got a bad boy in my house this will be so much fun! i just hope nothing happens with my school life 

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