I Knew You Were Trouble

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Justin pulled away looking at me i looked back at him confused he just smiled then laughed a little i was still really confused 

Me: why do you like teasing me? 

Justin: because its fun and i know we both like doing it 

i smiled a little knowing that it was true i liked teasing him and he likes teasing me but sometimes i just wanna rip his clothes off and fuck the shit out of him. i jumped off the table and walked into the living room falling onto the couch Justin followed me and sat down next to me 

Justin: you like watching spongebob? little kid!

Me: HEY!  i'm not a little kid! he's the shit!

He laughed at me then pulled me towards him i smiled a little looking at him then peck him on the nose he smiled then kissed my cheek i giggled like crazy 

Justin: aw cute...so i wanna ask you something 

Me: whats that?

Justin: what if i take you out for dinner tonight? 

Me: what about Charlie and Jase? wouldn't they just find ous easier and make the attack then?

Just then Justin's phone started to ring he quickly told it out of his pocket and answered it really fast

Justin: what?......really?......no mom i don't want you down here i left for a reason.......i don't care if you miss me i didn't like living there i'm sorry 

he hung up and sighed really loud he looked like he was about to cry i wrapped my arms around Justin's neck then started to rub his head a little i felt a little bad for him i mean i don't know what happened between him and his mom but it must have stressed him out that bad

Me; everything ok Justin? 

Justin: yeah just my mom....anyways i know what you are saying about going out and them getting us so i guess i can hire someone to come here and cook for us 

Me: you would do that? 

He nodded his head and i smiled then there was a loud crash i jumped really quick away from Justin and looked behind me someone threw a brick at my window and it landed on the floor i noticed a note taped on it Just got up slowly and walked over it he picked it up and took the note off 

Justin: i'm watching you bieber don't think you can protect Vanessa that long we will get her no matter what and you can't stop us

there was another crash and i screamed really loud turning around see Jase and Charlie standing there with guns i was shaking so bad and i didn't want to move they started coming closer to me when i felt myself getting lifted off the ground and ran out the house i heard a few gun shots and i just screamed agian Justin put me down then he unlocked the car and we both jumped in really fast then he turned on the car pulling out really fast (hehe dirty minded right there) Jase and Charlie finally came out the house and started shooting at the car but Justin drove off really fast i just cried like a litte baby in the seat 

Justin: Don't worry Vanessa we will be fine 

Me: i'm not fucking ok!!!!!!! my ex and a stupid drug dealer is trying to kill us! all because he broke up with me and you moved into the damn house! 

Justin: i will protect you ok??? we are going somewhere Charlie doesn't know he can't even track us there 

Me: are you sure?

Justin: im sure we can stay there for a while until we can leave i'm sorry about college but i think you need to drop off Jase knows where it is and he is gonna go just to get you 

Me: i will make a call to the school once we stop 

He nodded his head then kept looking straight at the road i sighed looking out the window more tears kept coming out.....why me?

*Alright so i'm leaving for texas tomorrow and i'm gonna be there for a week so i will update as many parts as i can until i get back ok? thanks for reading <3*

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