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i can't believe i'm actually doing this with Vanessa, i mean we just met a few hours ago and i'm already grinding with her. After the song was over me and her went over to the couch and sat down, i was still in shocked on what happened. i turned looking at her and she was biting her lip a little closing her eyes i smirked a little knowing that she loved it 

Me: so....where do you think your boyfriend is at?

She didn't hear me and kept biting her lip harder closing her eyes tighter i got a little worried i didn't know if she was ok or not because she wasn't answering me or if she was just in a deep thought

Me: Vanessa?


I jumped a little realizing where i was, i looked around seeing all the crazy teens dancing and grinding, Then i remembered what me and Justin did i bite my lip again turning looking at Justin, he looked a little worried 

Me: whats wrong?

Justin: you wouldn't answer me for a second

Me: oh...what did you ask?

Justin: i said where do you think your boyfriend is at?

Me: oh hmm

I looked around the room trying to find Jase, i spotted him making out with some bitch. i could feel the tears coming into my eyes i didn't know what to do after that i turned looking back over at Justin

Me: um did you drive here?

Justin: yes why?

Me: um can you take me home please? Jase has my keys and i wanna go home

Justin: sure why not? do you just wanna stay over at my house for a while? until Jase comes back?

i smiled nodding my head he smiled back then we both got up walking out the house, thank god i couldn't breath in that place we jumped into his car and he started it up pulling away from the house going down the street, i felt a little better leaving that place i turned looking at Justin and he was focused on the road...there's those thoughts again man,,,i need this kid right now

*Justin's House*

His house was beautiful it was better than mine any day we went upstairs to his room and it was even better in there

Me: wow i love your room Justin

Justin: thanks

Justin sat down on his bed looking at me, i looked back honestly i didn't know what to do right now....i mean i just met him and i feel a little awkward being in his house right now not knowing what could happen 

Justin: are you gonna sit or just stand there?

I bite my lip then sat down on his lap he was a little shocked that i was siting on his lap but he just wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him i looked him in the eyes and tried to find something that i have been waiting from him all night...that was Lust 

*Sorry that i didn't update two days ago! my internet went down when i wrote this part so i had to save it somewhere in my computer* 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now