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am i already falling in love with Vanessa? i mean how can you not? She's beautiful smart  funny she's just everything a guy could look for in a girl...makes me wonder if i could ever date a girl like her because i don't think me and her will date in the future...i don't even know if she likes me all these thoughts were going thru my head when i suddenly heard lite snores i looked down at Vanessa and she was sound asleep again she's so cute sleeping i couldn't help but smile she makes my heart beat faster and makes me feel like i have a purpose in life my phone went off and i quickly grabbed it without waking up Vanessa i didn't bother to check who called me 

Me: hello?

???: hey bieber 

Me: charlie! stop calling me i'm done with that life forever 

Charlie: i know but i saw that you moved in with Vanessa i just called to say watch your back bieber you never know when me or Jase can come after you...or Vanessa 

i heard him laugh a little then he hung up i starred at my phone for a while before i started shaking he can't hurt Vanessa i swear if he touches her i will go off on him! i need to get me and Vanessa out of Cali before this happens...but i just told her that she has to go to schooll...damn it! fine i will just go out and buy a gun to protect me and her yeah that will work i slowly removed Vanessa from my chest and layed her on the bed she moved a little i was praying that she wouldn't wake up and thank god she didn't i kissed her forehead then started getting dress and leaving her room quietly going down the stairs and leaving the house


*Two Hours Later*

i woke up with Justin not being by my side i slowly got up looking around my room where did Justin go? i was actually pretty upset that i didn't see Justin there i wanted to wake up to his perfect face, i sighed getting up grabbing my phone and walking out my room i walked down the stairs and into the living room i turned on the tv to see  SpongeBob so i kept it on that channel and went into the kitchen i pulled out all the breakfast stuff that i had and started making it, i kind of wished that Justin here so i wouldn't be so lonely.....while coking eggs i felt two arms go around my waist it kind of scared me a little but once i turned around i calmed down a little 

Me: Justin you scared me ! 

Justin: Aw sorry boo

He hugged me tight then kissed my neck a little then bite it, i closed my eyes biting my lip trying not to let a moan leave my mouth he pulled away from me and walked out the kitchen i turned back around and kept making breakfast

*After Breakfast*

Justin: WOW i love your cooking so much!

Me: thanks.....where were you when i woke up? i missed you

Justin: Charlie called saying that that he saw me move in with you now we will never know when him or Jase are coming after me or you so since we can't leave so i bought some protection for us

Me: damn thanks Justin...wait don't you have to move more stuff in today?

Justin: nah i'll just leave it there i like sleeping in your bed way more

He winked at me then pulled me close to him, i bite my lip a little looking him in the eyes, he wrapped his arms around me then set me down on the table. i wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. Once he was clsoe enough i lead forward and kissed him sofly on the lips he kissed back pulling my head closer to him then i felt his hand rubbing my thighs i moaned a little bit into his mouth...god the things this kid does to my body 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now