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Me and Justin started to get ready for dinner tonight with Pattie...i feel kind of nervous for Justin i mean this is his first time seeing and hanging out with his mom since he left canada. i was in the bathroom doing my hair when Justin came in and wrapped his arms around my waist i smiled a little bit 

Justin: so i was talking with my mom a little bit and she said we can stay at her house until we find a place of our own

Me: oh really? that's amazing! 

He smiled then kissed my neck i bite my lip so i didn't moan thank god Justin didn't notice that he let go of me and walked out the bathroom now i can do my hair

*Skipping to Justin's Mom's House*

Justin's mom picked us from the hotel and took her the house it was beautiful she told us where to put our stuff once we settled in me and Justin went downstairs and sat down in the living room while Pattie was cooking the dinner Justin turned on the tv and the music channel was playing "The Way" by Ariana Grande ft Mac Miller was playing i smiled to myself then started singing the song 

Me: i got a bad boy i must admit it you got my heart don't know how you did it 

i looked over at Justin and he was smiling really bad it made me smile a little then i kissed his cheek he started blushing a lot i giggled then pattie came into the room 

Pattie: Dinner is ready guys 

Me and Justin got up and walked into the dinning area and sat down Pattie handed us our plates then she sat down across from us she made chicken sandwitches with french fries i took one bite of her food and it was great

Me: Thanks pattie  for the food its amazing 

Pattie: you're welcome Vanessa 

i gave her a small smile then keep eating

*After Dinner*

We all went into the living room and sat down it was quiet at first then Justin broke the slience 

Justin: Sorry for leaving home at 16 mom i was just upset and i thought you didn't love me anymore and i couldn't deal with it and i'm really sorry for messing up my life...what i mean is that i started smoking partying drinking basically anything that will get me in trouble but i stopped doing all that stuff after i met Vanessa i'm really sorry 

Pattie looked look like she was about to cry. She got up from her chair and went over to Justin and hugged him tight they both started to cry i smiled a little knowing that relationship will get better from this point on 


Jase: geez what the fuck happened to Bieber and Vanessa??? they like disappeare! 

Charlie: i have no fucking idea!....wait what if they went back to Canada? 

Jase: well if they did i can't go back there due to what happened 

Charlie: well you're in luck i know people that live there who can do the job for us don't worry 

i pulled out my phone and started calling up my people....get ready Bieber and Vanessa you guys thought you were safe hahahahaha yeah right 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now