Going Home

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Justin stopped at a gas station to get gas before heading on the road since it will be a long drive i looked out the window and saw a couple with their kid walking into the store i smiled a little i hope thats me and Justin one day..that is if we stay together for a long time 

??: babe are you ok? 

i turned my head and looked at Justin he looked a little worried i smiled a little then kissed his cheek basically saying that i was ok he smiled back at me then started up the car then pulled out of the gas station and headed down the road i turned on the radio and "We Can't Stop" started playing i started singing along with the song and started dancing a little i saw Justin look at me out of the corner of my he was laughing a little but i didn't care i was trying to make a bad situation a good one after the song was over i calmed down and looked over at Justin

Me: how long is gonna take us to get to Canada? i mean its a long car ride 

Justin: it make take days by car maybe we should just fly there its much faster 

Me: does it look like we have a lot of money to buy plane tickets to Canada? 

Justin: i do don't worry alright?

i nodded my head then sighed looking out the window Justin jumped onto the freeway and headed to the airport


Justin was right..he could get us plane tickets to Canada we boared the plane and found our seats thank god its right next to each other as soon as we sat down he put his head on my shoulder then held my hand i felt him shake a little i guess he's nervous about going back home and seeing his mom

Me: Justin it will be ok if you don't wanna see your mom then we don't have to alright?

Justin: ok maybe we should see my friends 

Me: that we can do but first we need to figure out where we are gonna stay ok? 

he nodded his head then kissed my shoulder once everyone was in the plane they got ready to leave...can't wait to get back home to Canada 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now