Next Morning

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*Day Time 

i woke up feeling arms wrapped around my waist, i turned slowly to see a sleepy Justin next to me. I smiled a little then realized that i slept at Justin's house! i jumped up quickly grabbing my clothes off the floor and putting them on as fast as i could 

???: hey whats wrong?

i looked at the bed and saw a barely awake Justin looking over at me...damn this boy looks sexy in the morning

Me; i'm sorry that i slept over! i didn't mean it i mean last night was amazing! but Jase is really gonna kill me plus i need to get to school before i'm late!

if you're wondering what me and Justin did....well we didn't have sex if thats what your thinking, we just touched here and there just things that are harmless 

Justin: want me to walk you out?

Me: no its fine! 

once i got my shoes one i dashed out of his room and down the stairs running out his door shooting torwards my house, I opened the door slowly to see Jase sleeping on the couch with some slut on his chest. i rolled my eyes then dashed upstairs trying to get ready for school


wow i'm still trying to figure out if last night actually phone went off and i just groaned i grabbed it looking at the caller ID....damn Charlie -.- i answerd it

Me what?? i'm done with you after last night remember?

Charlie: i know! but i saw you leave with Jase's girl....did you hit that? 

Me: hell no! i just met the girl we just touched each other thats all! does Jase have a problem with that?

Charlie: dude...Jase doesn't give a shit about her he is just dating her so he has somewhere to live he is gonna break up with her today after she comes back from school

Me: what???

Charlie: yeah! he's the man! anyways i gotta go i have a deal to go to

he hung up on me and i just threw my phone...that son of a bitch is gonna hurt Vanessa! I can see that she loves that boy so much and he is just gonna end up hurting her! this isn't gonna be a good day...i can already tell 


i couldn't focus in class all i could think about is Justin and last night..i mean its weird that i cheated on Jase with the best bad boy ever but i just hated this so much...i think i should break up with Jase and get to know Justin i mean its not like Jase gives a crap about me in the first place all he does is hurt me over and over again hit me...i just get treated like shit with him this needs to end right now

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now