Out Of Town

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Me: man where the fuck did they go??? this bieber kid needs to learn his lesson for messing with my girl! 

Charlie: dude really? she's isn't yours anymore you're only pissed because you know a guy can make her happy and you don't know want that but i have no idea where they went!

Me: i swear once i find them i'm killing them both!

Charlie: well i think i know where he could be...

Me: where??

Charlie: he thinks we don't know but there is this cabin he always goes to when things get bad and he hides out there 

Me: lets go! do you remember where it is? 


He turned the car around and started heading down the street i was smirking the whole time finally i'm gonna get these fuckers 


i had a bad feeling something was about to happen so i grabbed the phone chargers and ran out the room downstairs i saw Justin watching tv i walked up in front of him 

Me: i think we should leave i have a bad feeling something is about to happened if we don't

Justin: what? really?

Just then justin's phone went off he took it out his pocket and looked his eyes got big and he stood up turning off the tv

Me: whats wrong? 

Justin: charlie is coming! 

my eyes got big and i ran towards the door Justin grabbed the keys and we ran out the cabin we quickly got in the car and just in time too because they just pulled up at the house Justin started up the car and drove off really fast i heard gun shoots so i got really scared and started shaking 

Justin: baby it will be ok! we will get away from them i promise

Me: i have a place where they can't go..

i looked and Justin he looked over at me for a quick second he was saw what i meant and his eyes got big 

Justin: no i'm not going back there! i can't i'm not ready! 

Me: babe it will be fine ok? we need to go back they can't hurt us there and you know that! 

Justin: yeah you're right we will go back 

i smiled a little then kissed his cheek...i know he doesn't wanna go back but its the only choice 

*where are they going?* 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now