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We heard the front door opened so we looked up it was ryan's mom that i'm guessing i felt a little scared to meet her for some reason 

Justin: hey Maria its nice to see you again this is my girlfriend Vanessa Rose 

Maria: hi Vanessa you are very beautiful and have a wonderful name 

i smiled a llittle then got up i went over to her and gave her a little handshake then i felt arms wrap around my waist i turned to my side and saw Justin standing there

Justin: well i know you just got here and all but i'm gonna take Vanessa into town and maybe buy her a few things since we don't have that much clothes

Maria: well alright you guys have fun

she smiled at us then walked passed out we walked to the door and opened it then walked outside and closed the door behind us 

Me: why are we going into town? 

Justin: just to get new clothes and things and maybe even a hotel 

Me: but ryan already offered us to stay here for the night? he said his mom is alright with it so why can't we stay? 

Justin: i know ryan's mom she will let us stay one night and make us leave the next so might as well leave now 

Me: alright then so lets go into town

He smiled at me then grabbed my hand and then we headed off into town


I totally forgot how it was livnig in Canada i smiled to myself thinking why i left here in the first place i mean this is my home and i shouldn't leave but i really wanted to go to college and i needed that more than anything 

Justin: hey baby are you ok? 

i turned and looked at Justin i smied a little then kissed him quickly

Me: i'm totally fine i just love being back home 

He smiled again then we kept walking people kept starring at Justin and was a little shocked that he was there i mean maybe because he ran away when he was just only 16 years old and now that he is back as this sexy 19 year old

Justin: i dont know why people keep starring at me i mean i know its been a while but this is crazy 

Me: maybe they just miss you or never thought that you would ever come back

Justin: maybe

???: Justin? is that you?

We turned around and saw this little lady she had reddish brownish hair i looked at Justin and it looked like he was about to cry he tighten his grip on my hand and i whined a little from the pain once he heard that he let go a little 

Me: do you know her Justin?

Justin: yeah i do....she's my mom 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now