One Day

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I got up and went over to Justin i sat down next to him and looked at him he didn't notice that i was looking at him and it was kind of funny i sighed a litte which made him look at me

Justin: whats wrong?

Me: why didn't you tell me that you use to hook up with girls? i mean thats big in a relationship

Justin; well it wasn't really hooking up with them more like we just touched here and there not really sex i'm still a virigin 

Me: well for a virign your good with touching 

Justin: thanks 

He winked a little and i blushed really hard he grabbed the tv remote and turned it on Teen Wolf was on i screamed a little because i love that show 

Justin: i see someone really likes this show 

Me: i do! its amazing  but we don't have to watch it 

Justin: Alright 

He changed the channel to the music channel and We Can't Stop played again i giggled then started singing it and dancing a little i saw out the corncer of my eye Justin looking at me smiing a little i looked over at him and giggled a little 

Justin: you have an beautiful voice maybe one day you will be famous 

Me: yeah right that will never come true 

*Never Say Never Vanessa lol hope you guys liked this part (:* 

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