Brother Love

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*Police Station* 

it felt a little weird being here since this is my first time being here, i saw them put Jason in the room with me and Justin they kept looking at each other weirdly and it kind of freaked me out then pattie came into the room with other cop 

Cop: alright can someone please tell me whats going on? why did Mccann kidnap you and why do you guys look the same? 

Me: well my ex boyfriend Jase broke up with me and he didn't like the fact that Justin was helping me out so him and his friends Charlie have been trying to kill us but since Jase cant come back to canada because of that one thing that happened i guess they called Mccann up to come and take me 

Cop: alright now why do you guys look the same? Pattie you wanna answer that? 

Pattie: you guys are brothers the reason why you guys have different last names is because Jeremy didn't want you guys to know 

Justin: why would dad hide something like that from me? or did you know Jason? 

Jason: dad told me two weeks ago i just didn't believe it until now 

Cop: well i guess i can let you guys go home now have a safe trip back 

he gave us a nod then went out the room 


Jason,Justin and i all sat oon the couch in the quiet pattie had to go to work so we were just alone with him it was just weird since he just tried killing me due to my ex and justin's friend 

Jason: look Vanessa i'm sorry for trying to kill you and also for kidnapping you its my job 

Me: its fine 

Justin:so where are you gonna go now? i mean i know mom is letting you and stay but don't you need to go home? 

Jason: yeah i might be leaving right now is it ok if Vanessa walks me back? i still kind of wanna say sorry ffor everything 

Justin: yeah but if she is not back in an hour i'm gonna flip 

Me: don't worry his house isn't that far from here 

me and jason got up and we left pattie's house and walked towards his house. the way there he kept saying sorry for everything and we got to know each other more he is kind of like Justin in a way it was kind of creepy 

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