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Me and Justin went upstairs to our guest room and justin closed the door then i took off my flats and jumped into bed it was very soft 

Justin: aren't you gonna change into your pjs? 

Me: oh yeah

He chuckled a little before i got up and went over to my bags i took out a big shirt then took off my outfits in front of Justin and put on the shirt i looked over at Justin and his mouth wide opened i giggled a litte then walked over to Justin closing his mouth with my hand 

Me: you better close your mouth don't wanna catch flies in there 

Justin: sorry but that was so hot i mean whoa! 

i giggled then jumped into bed..Justin took off his shirt and pants and just stood there in his boxers he didn't notice but i started checking him out and i bit my lip tight i thought my lip was gonna bleed..he is so hot and i'm so glad he is mine!

He jumped in bed next to me then turned on the tv flipping thru the channels until he stopped on MTV i turned facing him and just starred at him for a while until he finally turned and looked at me shocked that i was looking at him 

Justin: how long were you starring at me? 

Me: for a while

Justin: dang

he laughed i smiled a little then he pulled me close to him and kissed me roughly on the lips i kissed back slowly climing on his lap he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him i could feel something hard poking at my leg i smirked in the kiss knowing he had a boner. he unwrapped one of hisarms and slowly move it down to my panties and started rubbing me thru them i moaned causing me to open my mouth he took advantage to that and stuck his tongue into my mouth and we started making him while i was moaning into his mouth i felt him move my panties out of the way and start rubbing me harder which made me moan loud he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me 

Justin: damn baby someone is a little turned on tonight 

Me: or maybe you have the magic hands 

He smirked then started rubbing faster and once i felt his finger goes inside i lost all control 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now