Knowing Justin

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I got back as fast as i can. i jumped out of the car running inside the house. once i did i went over to Jase and handed him  his food. he grabbed it roughly out of my hand and started to eat it 

Jase: thanks babe

He smiled then gave me a kiss on the cheek. i smiled going back into the computer room to start doing my homework but it was really weird i couldn't focus...i just thought about that Justin kid i met outside before leaving i bite my lip thinking about every little dirty thing i could do to him it was actually turning me on a little bit but i snapped out of my thought once i heard Jase calling my name behind me. i turned around and saw him standing there with his food

Me: yes?

Jase: my friend Charlie just called me and told me that he was having a party down at his house and wants us to come so what do you say?

Me: i wish i can go but i have all this homework to do...

Jase: fuck the homework you're coming to the party no matter what alright? 

i nodded my head sighing. he smiled then walked out the room i looked back at my computer trying to get as much work done as i could since i was going to this little party tonight that i didn't even wanna go to

*Party Time*


The house was packed with drunk teens everywhere some were making out others were actually fucking outside in the yard talk about gross! then you had the smokers, i walked inside and it was much crazier then i felt like i just walked into a horrible movie 


I turned around to see Charlie walking over to me holding beer in his hand. i rolled my eyes looking at him. once he came near me we did a little handshake

Charlie: can't believe you actually came! i thought you would bail out on me dude

Me: well i had to meet this jase kid you have been talking about for a while now even before we stopped talking 

Charlie: well he comes !

i looked up and saw him he looked like a total Jackass he was checking out all the girls in the room and biting his lip. i rolled my eyes then noticed was that girl tha ti saw today! she was holding hands with him and she looked like she  was annoyed once they got over to us she looked right at me shocked 

Charlie: hey Jase! whats up man? its been a whil since ive seen you! Justin this is Jase and his girl 

Jase: hey Justin! i'm Jase this is my girlfriend Vanessa Ann Rose 

wow pretty name for a beautiful girl like her 

Me: hey i'm Justin

She smiled a little at me and i smiled back 

Charlie: well come on Jase!  time to party!

He grabbed him from Vanessa and started walking away leaving me and her awkwardly standing there like two people who didn't know what to do


Me: so Justin how do you like the party?

Justin: eh not really fun didn't want to come since ive been trying to get away from this life 

What??? what does he mean by this life?? is he a bady boy or some shit? i mean i love bad boys they attract me but he doesn't look like one 

Me: what do you mean by that?

Justin: uh nothing but do you wanna dance? since your boyfriend just left you here alone?

i smiled a little then nodded my head he smiled then grabbed my hand pulling me to the dance floor or the middle of the room the perfect song came on....."Love In This Club" by Usher started playing me and Justin started dancing a little then i grabbed his hand putting it on my leg, he lifted my leg around his waist and i started grinding on him we looked each other in the eyes and a million thoughts hit my mind  i also felt something poke at my area it made me bite my lip a little Justin smirked then kissed my neck lightly i threw my head back enjoying the moment.....this was me Knowing Justin 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now