Back to Miss Becky's

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As I made my way down ole 129 all those high school and college memories came flooding back to me. Brantley, Ben, Jess, Eli, Ashley, Sarah.. The only reason I made the cut into that group is Eli is my big brother. My little freshman ass was already running with the upper class man. It was no secret that Eli Cooper was my big brother he made it known. The only boy stupid enough to cross that line was my brothers best friend, Brantley Gilbert. God that boy keep me on my toes. Him and I where never actually together but we were never far apart either. That boy was a lot of my firsts. First beer, first joint, first party, first run from the cops, first taste of moonshine.. Now he's just Brantley. We both moved on to completely different things. He's just starting to get big in country music and I'm just starting my adventures into single parenting. With that being said, here I am back in Jefferson, Georgia with my three year old son, Elijah Brantley Cooper.. Damn promises.. Anyway.. I was engaged to this amazing guy.. White picket fence life.. Until he found out EB wasn't his. Yep, I said it. So, I'm currently going to live with the ever so lovely and very understanding Becky Gilbert until I get money flowing in my new job.
I pulled up to the familiar house on Red Bird Drive and sighed happily as a smile spread across my face.

I turned around to the backseat to wake up EB, "EB, come on bubba. Time to wake up." I said softly.

EB stirred a little before looking at me, "We here mommy?" He asked still half asleep.

I nodded, "We're here. We'll get our things unloaded and go see uncle Eli alright?"

"Carry me up?" EB asked as I was about to put him on his feet so he could walk in.

"EB you're heavy." I said placing him on my hip and grabbing his backpack.

"No I not." He said pouting a little. I shook my head and walked up to the front door, "Knock bubba." I instructed EB but he had other plans and it involved the doorbell.

Miss Becky opened the front door with a big smile on her face, "I have been waiting impatiently for you two to get here. Come in come in." She said ushering us inside.

"Hey miss Becky. You, of course,  remember EB." I said putting him down.

"How could I forget. 6 pounds, 4 ounces, 21 inches long, born at 5:55am, and barely even cried." Miss Becky said crouching down to EB's level and opening her arms for him.

EB ran over to miss Becky hugging her tight, "I miss you nana."

"I miss you too sweet boy." Becky said hugging him back, "Kolby should be here in about five minutes to help you unload." Becky said looking up at me.

I nodded, "Alright, is it okay with you if me and EB go see Eli and Ashley?" I asked.

"Sweetheart you don't have to have my permission to go anywhere." Becky said laughing a little.

"I guess it still feels like high school again. We won't be back late." I said sitting EB's backpack down.

"Okay sweetheart. EB why don't you come help nana make a pie?" Miss Becky asked taking his hand.

EB nodded, "No peanuts."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Becky said walking off into the kitchen with Elijah.

I walked outside and sat on the porch reminiscing until Kolby pulled up. I stood up and made my way over to him.

"Heard you're home for good." Kolby said grinning.

I smiled, "You heard right."

Kolby pulled me into a hug, "Good. Everyone is home now." He said.

I hugged him back, "Everyone? Even B?" I asked.

Kolby let go of me and we walked over to my SUV, "Even Brantley. He's on a two month break." Kolby said grabbing a box.

"Hmm. Maybe the old gang can get back together for a night." I said grabbing a box as well.

Kolby and I fell into an easy conversation about the past. Just talking about the little things. Once everything was inside the four of us sat around the table to eat a slice of homemade pie.

"We play KG?" EB asked Kolby.

Kolby grinned, "Come on bubba. We'll find something to do." Kolby said standing up grabbing Elijah out of his seat.

"Don't wear him out too much. We're going to Eli's and he's got a cousin eager to play with him." I informed Kolby.

He nodded walking out the back door. Once they were gone mama moved and sat in the chair beside me, "So EB isn't Kris'?" She asked. I knew it was coming.

I sighed and shook my head, "No, I've known since I got pregnant. I just didn't have the heart to tell him."

Becky nodded, "I might not agree with keeping that kind of secret but I do agree with doing what is best for your children. Do you know who EB's father is?" Becky asked.

I nodded that time, "I do. I just don't know if EB is ready for that. I still haven't told him about Kris not being his daddy." I said.

"Oh sweetheart, any man stupid enough to turn down that wonderful little boy has some serious issues." Becky said putting her hand on my arm.

"It's not him turning down Elijah that I'm worried about. We certainly did not leave things on good terms when we stopped doing what we were. I ended it not knowing I was pregnant with his child let alone at all." I said thinking back to that day when it all just kind of crumbled.

Mama Becky shook her head, "You're the one who made that little boy wonderful. You're wonderful too and this man would be stupid not to see that." She stated giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded, "You're right. I just need to tell EB about Kris and then I can move on to figuring out if his real father wants to be there as his father." I said with a small sigh thinking about it.

"You better head on over to Eli's before it gets too late." Becky said reminding me of that.

"I almost forgot. This is why you're my favorite woman." I said smiling as I stood up from the table.

Mama Becky just smiled and laughed it off as I walked out back. Kolby and EB were playing superman, which was Kolby holding EB up in the air and running around the yard.

"EB you ready to go see Uncle Eli, Aunt Ashley, and Cam bam?" I called over to them.

"Yeah! Cam bam! Cam bam!" EB said excitedly and instructed Kolby to "fly" him over to me. I shook my head; Kolby listening to the demands of a 3 year old, almost 4. God my little baby is growing up way to fast. I don't like it one bit.

Kolby helped me load EB up in my SUV and said his goodbyes before I got in and headed for Eli and Ashley's.

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