Battle Of The Exes

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Friday the day I have been dreading since Wednesday. I haven't talked to Brantley since, I just answer the phone and hand it to EB and hang up when he's done. Kris and his parents are going to be here in about an hour and I have yet to pick EB up from Ashley's. I've been riding down the dirt roads of pott's farm since I got off work two hours ago. Brantley told Kolby that he was coming home tonight too and I just wasn't ready for Kris to meet Brantley. I'm a different person with Kris than I am Brantley and him seeing that scares me because he knows me so well. Eli said he'll be there just in case, Kolby did too. I picked my phone up to see what I had missed, three calls from Ashley and a text from Kris. I called Ashley back before I text Kris.

"Brantley is here. Eli has him out back because he wanted to take EB home with him and I know you didn't want that." Ashley said as soon as she picked up.

I sighed and slapped my hand against the steering wheel, "Jesus Christ, why can't he just be compliant? I can't take all this today." 

"I know Kat, I know. That's what Eli is trying to tell Brantley he's just not getting it." Ashley said.

I headed to Ashley's house, talking to her the whole time until I pulled in the driveway. I took a deep breath before walking inside, I had no idea what to expect.

"Mommy!" EB yelled running for me.

I picked him up and hugged him tight, "I missed you baby." I whispered.

"I miss you too." EB whispered back.

I sat him on my hip, "Where is big Eli?" I asked.

"In man cave with daddy." EB said pointing to the door.

I nodded and sat him down, "You play with Cam Bam for a little while. I need to talk to your daddy." I kissed the top of his head and walked into the man cave instantly regretting that decision.

"Now you won't even let me take my own kid home? What the hell are you trying to pull Katie?" Brantley said standing up and walking towards me. Eli jumped in between us clearly not sure of his best friend right now.

"I didn't even know about it. Ashley told me she wasn't letting you take him and I came right here. Why are you trying to take him to your house anyway? You know he has family coming to see him." I said staying behind Eli so I wouldn't lose my confidence. I was never good at standing up to people, let alone Brantley, hurting him is one thing I hated more than anything.

"You're letting the guy who my son called daddy come see him when he knows who I am now. Why does he even still need to be in his life? Why can't you just kick his ass to the curb? You did it to me easy enough and what we had was more than what you and that asshole ever had." Brantley said backing down, I guess he could tell he was scaring people.

"You wanna know something? Ever since EB found out you were his daddy he's never called Kris daddy once. He calls him "my Kris", EB knows you're his daddy and he loves you so much. Are you seriously scared that you're going to lose that little boy to someone else? Yes I messed up and I never should have kept EB a secret from you but I was scared and I did what I thought was right but now the truth is out and I'm not taking it back. No, I probably shouldn't let Kris see EB but EB still wants to see him. As for Kris' parents, I will never stop them from seeing their grandson. They have done so much for EB and I, I could never do that to them." I said and turned away, I couldn't keep looking at him. No matter how mad Brantley ever was with me he never let his eyes show it, he always looked at me the same way.

"Why shouldn't you let Kris see little man?" Brantley asked.

I shook my head, "It might confuse him." I wasn't going to tell Brantley that Kris called EB a bastard child that wouldn't make it anywhere without Kris' money or how I was scared of what Kris would do if I denied him to see him.

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