I See You

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Brantley should be home any minute now, he gave me a key to his house just in case I ever needed it. I decided to put it to good use and cook him dinner since he hasn't had a home cooked meal all week. EB was in the living room watching Blaze and playing with his toys, while I scurried around the kitchen trying to get everything ready before he got home. He had no idea I was here so I was also hoping he wouldn't get mad at me. Just as I was putting the mac and cheese into a bowl, the front door opened.

"Okay Katie, moment of truth." I took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen to greet Brantley.

"Hey little man! What're you doin here?" I heard Brantley say. I smiled instantly.

"Mommy cook dinner for you." EB said.

I took that to my advantage and stepped in, "I sure did." I said and looked at Brantley who had a genuine smile on his face.

Just as Brantley was about to say something I heard the only voice in the world that could ruin my good mood, "Brantley, who are you talking to?" I hadn't even seen her yet and my blood was already boiling.

I felt Brantley's eyes on me but I refused to look at him, I walked into the kitchen and started cleaning everything up, no way was I staying here with that woman.

"What the hell is going on? Why is she at your house cooking you dinner?" I heard Jana asking him.

"Because I gave Kat a key and told her she could come over anytime she wanted. Kat knew I was coming home today and would want to see my son. Kat cooked me dinner because she's an amazing person and does things like that for people." I wasn't trying to listen to their little argument but Brantley had an open floor plan. It made it kind of hard not to listen.

"A key!? So you're fucking her. You're cheating on me with some random girl who can't even afford to live in her own house or raise a child that more than likely isn't even yours." You aren't going to interfere, it's not your fight.

"EB go in the kitchen with your mommy. I'll be there in a little bit." At least Brantley wasn't fuming or he probably wouldn't have thought to send EB in here. I fixed him a plate and sat him at the table while I finished cleaning up, "I'm not sleeping with Kat. She isn't some random girl either, she is the mother of MY son. That little boy in there is MY son, he looks like the perfect mix between myself and his mother. He acts like me for god sakes. If you're going to be nothin but disrespectful to my family then you need to leave." I felt myself tense up and now I really was listening.

"He isn't your kid Brantley. If he was she would have told you about him when you were nothing. Not now that you're some big country star." That's it. I dropped the dish cloth in the sink and marched right into that living room.

"Brantley has never been "nothing" he's always been something. A biker, a mechanic, a college student, you name it he's probably been it. As for you," I pointed right at her, "You are nothing. Your little miss better than everyone attitude makes you nothing. You think you can march right in here and disrespect me in front of my son nonetheless well I can promise you that isn't going to fly. Elijah is Brantley's son and I had my reasons for not telling him. He knows those reasons and he understands them. I don't care that you have a problem with me but I will not let you disrespect Brantley." I stopped myself before I really said something that could get me in trouble, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to mine and Brantley's son." I walked back into the kitchen before she could even get a word in. I leaned against the counter with my head down blocking out whatever was going on in the next room. I could hear their voices but I didn't care what they were saying.

My head was spinning and my heart was pounding in my chest. I wanted nothing more than to be in a nice hot shower washing away all this stress and the subduing all the things I was feeling. The front door slammed making me jump and I could only hope it was Jana who had slammed the door.

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