Like A Date?

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I was standing in front of the stove cooking dinner, humming along to a song on the radio. I had been lost in the song when Brantley walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my middle and resting his hands on my growing baby bump.

"Hey sweet girl." Brantley mumbled in my ear before nipping my ear lobe lightly.

I couldn't contain my smile that seemed to be forever plastered on my face, "Hi handsome. How was your day?"

He would shrug still holding me in his arms, "Alright, just missed you and our little one."

I leaned my head back against his shoulder closing my eyes briefly, "We missed you too."

We would stand there with me in his embrace for a few more minutes before he would let me go to find a game on TV.

I was brought out of my fantasy by a tapping sound on the shower door, I jumped slightly and wiped the steam away seeing Brantley standing on the other side, "Showerin together saves water." He said waggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "No way. Get outta here."

Brantley lifted his shoulders and sighed extra loudly for dramatic effect, "Fiiiiiine, but save me some hot water. We should head out soon."

I nodded and watched out of the clearing I had made, Brantley walked out of the bathroom, not closing the door behind him, "Pain in the ass.", I mumbled and quickly finished the rest of my shower. I grabbed an over sized black bath towel and wrapped it around my body before scooping up my clothes, I would just throw them in the dryer to at least feel a little cleaner. I tugged his shirt over my head and wandered out of his room. I need the dryer, my child, and coffee not in that order but I needed them. I made my way down the stairs and tossed my clothes in the dryer. I was moving around the kitchen trying to find where Brantley put the coffee when I saw the big red container on a shelf that I couldn't reach, tall people! I climbed on to the counter and grabbed the coffee.

"What the hell are you doin?" Brantley asked walking into the kitchen pulling his black shirt over his head.

"Uh, making coffee." I said obviously holding a big red container of coffee.

He mumbled something before moving about his business. I put the container back where it was before hopping down off the counter and pushing start on the coffee pot.

"My clothes are in your dryer so they're at least a little clean when I put them on again." I said leaning against the counter.

"I can take you to get clothes from the house." Brantley said glancing over at me.

I nodded, "That would be nice, jeans at least. This shirt is pretty comfy and smells really good." I said lifting it up around my nose.

Brantley was watching me with his eyebrow raised, "You sniffed my shirt."

"It smells good!" I said matter-of-factly.

"You can't keep it, Katie Lee." Brantley said pointing his finger at me.

I rolled my eyes, "You wouldn't even miss it."

"Mommy! Daddy!" EB yelled from what sounded like upstairs.

Brantley was out of the kitchen before I had even taken two steps, "Down here bubba." Brantley called out to him.

We heard his little butt thud on each step as he slid down, EB was giggling the whole way down, and reached for Brantley when he got to the bottom, "We go donald's?"

I watched Brantley pick up our son and tickle his cheek with his beard, "Not this morning. We are gonna go see poppop Keith, remember?"

"Poppop Keith lets me drive!" EB said before slapping a hand over his mouth and glancing between Brantley and I.

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