Birthday Dinner

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I woke up at 9am to get ready to leave so EB and I could head out to Kris's. EB was excited and already downstairs with Miss Becky when I got up.

"Mommy! Are we leaving?" EB asked when I walked down the stairs.

I laughed a little, "In just a little bit."

EB sighed, "We go now." He mumbled.

I shook my head, "Impatient." I walked into the living room and sat beside Miss Becky on the couch.

"Do you think I'm wrong for doing this?" I asked her.

She made a face, "You're not wrong but it's not exactly right. I think that if you were going so you could tell them it would be better." She said.

"You're right. Pretending is wrong, I'm going to tell them the truth and if they decide they still want EB in their lives I won't keep him from them." I said.

Miss Becky smiled, "That's the Katie I know. The one who makes the smart decisions and not the ones out of spite."

I smiled, "I really need to work on that."

EB ran into the living room with my phone pressed to his ear, "Mommy it's BG." He said handing it over.

I took my phone and said thank you to EB before I walked outside, "Hello?" I said.

"Don't go to Kris's." He said right off the bat.

"I'm not going for the reasons you think I am." I said crossing my arm over my chest.

"Then why are you going?" He asked.

"To tell Kris's parents the truth." I said leaning against the railing.

"That you cheated on their son four years ago and he left you and his kid?" Brantley asked.

"Yes." Is all I could say.

"That's brave. Why are you doing it?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I have to get ready to leave and I'm sure your outside acting like you're doing something so Jana doesn't know you're talking to me." Brantley didn't say anything and I just scuffed, "Bye Brantley." I said and hung up. I walked back inside and Miss Becky looked at me.

"He told me not to go then I told him why I was going. He still doesn't know everything though." I told her.

Miss Becky nodded, "Why do you look upset?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Words Katie Lee." She said.

"He hides the fact he talks to me." I said.

"What do you mean?" Miss Becky asked.

"I didn't like he asked something so I said something about him pretending to do something so Jana wouldn't know he was talking to me and he didn't say a word." I told her.

Miss Becky shook her head, "That boy is gonna get a talkin to. You and him have known each other since you were knee high to a grasshopper."

I laughed at her saying, "Knee high to a grasshopper?" I asked.

"Since you were real young." She explained.

"Oh. So when I was a whippersnapper?" I asked.

Miss Becky laughed a little, "Yes just like that. You better hit the road so you can beat traffic." She said looking at the time.

"We leaving!?" EB yelled.

Miss Becky and I both laughed, "Yes baby we are leaving." I said shaking my head.

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