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I was laying in my bed thinking about what Brantley said last night, "Come down and talk after EB's out." Why in the hell would he want to talk to me? I couldn't shake that feeling, the old flame feeling. When me and Brantley were teenagers it wasn't a secret that we had a thing but we were never a thing. He dated other girls and I dated other guys, well one other guy and that's because he wasn't scared of Eli.

"Mama! Up! Nana make pancakes!" EB shouted as he ran into my room.

"I'm up baby. I just haven't got out of bed." I said pulling EB down on the bed and tucking him in close to me.

"Mama up. Pancakes." EB said pointing downstairs. I just nodded my head and kisses his cheek.

"Alright, let's go." I said tossing the blanket off us and letting EB get out of bed before I did. I threw on a hoodie since it was a little chilly in the house.

"Good morning miss Becky." I said walking in the kitchen.

She turned to look at me, she was smiling her comforting smile, "Good morning Katie. How'd you sleep?" She asked handing me a plate with pancakes and bacon.

"Thank you. I slept pretty good. It felt good to be here, just like old times." I said smiling.

She nodded, "You and Elijah were always here."

EB ran into the kitchen, "BG here!" He yelled excitedly.

"Again?" I thought to myself, shouldn't he have something to do at his house.

"Mama, I go outside and get him." EB said sliding on his boots and running out the door before I could get an answer in. I just shook my head and sat down at the table.

"Morning everybody." Brantley said walking in the kitchen carrying EB.

Miss Becky and I both said good morning and she hugged Brantley before handing him a plate. He sat EB in the booster seat and sat down in the chair on the other side of him.

"You never came down last night." Brantley said glancing over at me.

I shrugged, "I was tired. Yesterday was a long day." I said looking at my plate.

"Me, Eli, and Kolby are going out to the softball fields today to see if anyone needs players. Ashley is taking Cam, you should come." Brantley said.

I looked up and he was looking right at me. I was almost at a lose for words, "I think that'd be fun. EB and Cam can play together."

"And you can watch us all play. Like it used to be." Brantley said looking down at his plate after he said that.

I just nodded and looked over at EB who was already enjoying his pancakes, "So you and Elijah won't be here this afternoon?" Miss Becky asked.

I turned in my chair so I could look at her, "Not unless you need my help with something." I told her. She was letting me and my son live with her. It was the least I could do to help her when she needed it.

She shook her head, "No dear. I was just asking, I was thinking about going out to lunch with one of my friends anyhow." I nodded and turned back to the table. Brantley was stealing pieces of pancake from EB and EB was glaring at him.

"Boys." I warned eyeing them. EB looked over at me and nodded, "Sowwy mama." He said.

"It's okay baby." I said with a small smile.

"Sorry mama." Brantley teased. I pointed my finger at him, "Brantley Keith, I will tell your mama." I threatened.

"Tell his mama what?" Miss Becky asked sitting down at the table and eyeing us both.

Old Flame Turned New FlameWhere stories live. Discover now