No One Lied.. Technically.

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{A/N: Again.. Let's play pretend with the pictures.}

Brantley got to his mom's bright and early. I hadn't even got up for work yet when he get here.

"What time did you even get here?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Like six thirty-ish. I'm excited to spend the day with my son." Brantley said smiling.

"How did Jana take it?" I asked.

Brantley rubbed the back of his neck, "I haven't told her yet. I figured with EB there she would take it easy on me."

"If I so little as hear things got out of hand with EB there I will slap you and her." I warned him.

Brantley held his hands up, "I won't let it. I promise."

I nodded, "That's what I like to hear." I said.

"You're going to be late." Brantley said pointing at the clock.

I looked back, "Shit! Have fun with EB and be good." I said putting my coffee cup in the sink and heading out the door.

~Brantley's P.O.V.~

I sat in the living room for the longest time waiting on EB to get up. That kid can sleep.

"You're here early." I heard mama say.

I got up and walked into the kitchen behind her, "I'm excited. This is the first day I get to spend with little man knowing he's mine."

Mama smiled, "I can't believe my baby has a baby. I always thought EB had characteristics that matched yours but I just kept it to myself."

"I know I never told you about Katie and me but she was really something to me." I told her.

"I know she was. I saw the way you looked at her and how you kind of shadowed her." Mama said.

I shook my head, "We all shadowed her. She was a hell raisin little thing."

"All you kids were! Don't blame it all on Katie." Mama pointed her finger at me.

I chuckled, "I know mama. I'm the closest thing to hell you ever raised but I just meant that like she's younger than the rest of us. Same with Kolby we watched him too." I said.

Mama nodded, "But you took a special likin to her and you can't say you didn't. You taught her how to drive a stick when Eli was too busy and I knew about all those times you went and saw her when she was in college."

I looked over at mama with wide eyes, "How'd you know that?"

She smiled, "Son, we have thin walls and you're a loud talker but I also knew by the way you'd be grinning like a fool the next day."

I shook my head, "I couldn't help it. She just treated me different. If I did something stupid she scolded me and wouldn't speak to me any other girl yelled at me and then went on like it didn't happen." I said.

Mama grinned, "Because she was scared for you like I was. Any girl that can be your lover, mother, and best friend is a girl worth keepin."

That's when I realized what mama was gettin at, "Mama, I'm happy with Jana and Kat is still moving on. We ended what we had and it's been like that for four years."

"You have a child together Brantley, I know me and your daddy divorced but we waited till you boys were out of school because you needed both your parents in the same place. No we didn't always get along the greatest but we tried so hard to not show you boys that. Even now me and your daddy get together with you both and spend time together. I'm not sayin you need to up and leave Jana and marry Katie. I'm simply saying you need to be a family for EB's sake." Mama said and got up walking away to leave me pondering in my thoughts.

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