When You Say Nothing At All

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~*Katie's POV*~

"Come on Brantley!" I called out and honked the horn. We left from Miss Becky's to go to Alabama for the weekend but he said he forgot something at his house that he has to have.

A few minutes later Brantley walked out of the house and jogged down the steps, "What did you forget?" I asked when he didn't have anything in his hands. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, "How did you forget that?"

Brantley shrugged and put his wallet back, "Not sure but it's a good thing I realized it."

I nodded and wiggled around in my seat till I got comfortable. We had a three hour mid-morning road trip ahead of us and a grumpy little boy in the back seat. EB wanted to ride with Miss Becky but she's not coming up until tomorrow and he's pretty upset about not getting his way.

"Do you want the AUX cord?" Brantley asked flinging it into my lap.

I looked over at him, "Well since you flung it at me I guess so but you don't get to complain about what I pick."

Brantley nodded slightly, "Fair enough."

I plugged my phone in, "EB, what song do you wanna listen to?"

"No!" He yelled crossing his arms.

I sighed, "I know you're mad baby but nana has stuff to do tonight and she can't watch you. You have to ride with me and your daddy."

"No." EB said again and I looked over at Brantley. He shrugged and put his hand on my thigh giving it a light tap before pulling out of the driveway. I scrolled through my music and smirked. I put on Back In The Day and sat my phone down. I had to look out the window to hide my smile, this was our song. No one could take that away from us.

"How often do you listen to this song?" Brantley asked.

"A lot actually. It's my favorite and not just because it's our song." I said truthfully.

"It's more your song than it is our song. I wrote it for you." Brantley said glancing over at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up. It's our song and you know it."

B chuckled, "Whatever, dashboard drummer."

Most of the ride was spent listening to music and talking, EB finally got over his little fit when we stopped at McDonald's for food. After that he was a talkative little thing and was so ready to see Keith and Kolby.

"I probably should have told you this sooner but we have to share a room." Brantley said when we got about ten minutes away.

"Like sleep in the same bed or put our things in the same room?" I asked.

Brantley looked at me, "What does sharing a room normally mean?"

I sighed, "I don't think that's a good idea B."

"It'll be fine. We can put Bubba in the middle of us and all is good." He said turning down the long driveway.

I ran my hand over my face and looked out the window for a minute thinking. We're both adults and can controls ourselves besides I'm sure his feelings for me in that way are long gone, "Okay."

"Okay?" He glanced at me again, "That's it?"

I looked over at him, "Do you want me to be a groupie and fangirl because I'm sharing a bed with THE Brantley Gilbert? I mean I've been there and done that. I've done more than that, I had your child."

"Damn, calm down. I just thought I was going to have to reason with you a little more than that." Brantley pulled the truck to a stop and I sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." I apologized.

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