June 11, 2013

32 0 2

Dear Diary,

I'm in school right now XD REBEL!!! No, everybody is testing, but I don't have to do the test becaue I did it last year, so now I'm stuck in my library doing nothing :'( And I'm BORRREDDD!!! AND I'M SO MAD!! GRAWR!!! *throws phone across the room* and yes, I dont' care if it breaks because it is a ploopy head. See, what usually happens is that I read fanfic on my phone during school. furthermore, my wifi is usually off becaue my dad doesn't let me have wifi at home, so its ok. BUT i went to my aunt' cabin this weekend, and she lets me have wifi. and then i got to school today, and I forgot to turn off teh wifi. so when my phone registered the school internet it did some crappy thing that just REMOVED ALL TEH STORIES FROM MY PHONE!! MY WHOLE LIBRARY, CAPUT!!! X-( WORSE, MY SCHOOL INTERNET DOESN'T HAVE WIFI, SO I CAN'T GET MY BOOKS BACK! WORSE, I HAVE TO PRAY TAHT I'LL GO TO THE LIBRARY SOON OR SOME FRIEND'S HOUSE SO I CAN GET MY BOOKS BACK, BUT NOW I'M SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER BORED!! AND I WAS JUST IN TEH MIDDLE OF READING AN AMAZAYN BOOK!!! HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TOME?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rant over :) i rant soooo much, it's not even funny.


sorry, listening to disney right now XD

So many things to tell her

But how to make her see

The truth about my past, impossible

She'd turn away from me

He's holding back, he's hiding

But what I can't decide

Why won't he be the king i know he is?

The king i see inside?


anywhovian, what else has been going up on my life? oh, my mom slapped me for being fat XD well, not really a slap. more like a light hit to the face. but it was still because I was fat XD hahahahahah ouch. she really needs to get off my case. i was just minding my own business, eating my doritos, and then BAM! she comes out of nowhere and steals my doritos and starts yelling at me how I can't eat any snacks or sweets until I lose weight!!! and then she literally starts telling me, no lie, about how everybody is calling me fat. no joke. i mean, i know asian families gossip, so i'm not really surprise. what i'm surprised abotu is why my mom is telling em this? for one thing, i liek my big butt! i'll flaunt it and I'm not ashamed thank you very much :P and yes, i could stand to lose a little weight but you don't have to slap me (not really) and yell in my face about it! jeezus. 

well, guess i'm going to stop eating now XD well, not really. i'm only going to eat what my mom gives me. in person. i'm happy with myelf :) usually i eat an apple for breakfast but all i've had today was gum and water! yay! hopefully i can keep this up :) i left my lunch at my table though XD i'll probably just lie and say i forgot it, and then i'll eat  it for dinner or something when my mom makes me :P seriously, asian fammilies are so weird. one moment theyr'e like, YOU'RE SO FAT YOU'RE LIKE AN ELEPHANT YOU NEED TO STOP EATING!!! and then the next moment, they're like YOU NEED TO EAT! EAT ALL THIS FOOD! *shoves food down throat* 

oh...my....god.....*fangirls* I AM IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! my ex (my only ex, really) just walked by me, and oh my god he was SMEXY!! i mean, he was always hot, and yes i'm not ashamed to admit that i check him out sometime :) let's call him, Liam :) why? because he's based off Liam Green, teh boy in my fanfic Stand Up! That whole sob story that Tiffany told Harry, yeah that's actually from my life ( i feel like i  told people this...but whatever :)) i really miss him sometimes, but i'm over him romantically. i just miss him as a friend, because he woudl actualy talk to me XD i'm that much of a loner...not that i choose to be! people just think i'm weird :P anywhovian, Liam and his friends just walked by my computer and oh my god HE WAS WEARING SHORTS!!!! LIKE, BASKETBALL SHORTS!!! SO SMEXY!!! XD ok, to you guys you're just weirded out, because guys always wear shorts,  right? NEIN! not Liam, he ALWAYS wears jeans. like, ALWAYS for the 3 years that i've known, and the almost 3 years that I've dated him, he's only worn shorts once, and sweats once. and they looked SOOOOO smexy on him, i was almost hyperventilating. (funny story, i asked him once why he always wore jeans, because he said they were kind of uncomfortable sometimes. he said [i literally cracked up and thought it was the most hilarious thing every] it was because he always got a boner aroudn me. XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD ) *sigh* even though he's my ex, he's still SMEXY!! i'd get with him any day.

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