Dear Diary,
IT'S TOO FREAKING HOT! OMGEEZLES I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING!! IT'S LIKE 90 DEGREES HERE!! And in Washington...that's a lot. Like, a LOT. So I'm dying. I don't even wanna move. Hell, I don't even wanna write this because the computer is too hot on my hands. But I haven't written in this in a while so.....yeah.
Well, funny thing- one of the commenters on my story, @theepicsaga, is actually my brother. I had to found out about it, even when he kept lying to me :P But eventually he told me.
And boy does that piss me off. Cuz he's a freaking *!*%*&# (*#@(!& (!^#(*%&* (@#$*^%(* *(&
I know he'll read this, cuz I'm the only thing he's read. So let's make a list, shall we?
Top 5 Reason Why I Hate My Brother!
1. He steals all my stuff. He's stolen so much stuff from me that whenever I lose something I automatically think my brother did it. Course, it's not always him, but that's my first reaction. I don't know how many times he's stolen my glasses from me, and then I find them in the weirdest places ever. The worst was when he stole my old phone, a green one, and my parents got SO mad at me because they thought I lost it. Hell, I thought I lost it myself. Then I got a new phone, a blue one, but one day that disappeared too. But luckily, I tried calling it on my parent's phone, and I heard it's vibrations. I found it in the guest room drawer....WITH MY GREEN PHONE! And- this is his words, not mine- that he stole my green phone (because he was mad at me, which I understand), but he stole my blue phone because he was mad at my parents........he stole MY phone because he was mad at my PARENTS.....HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?!?!?
2. He's seriously seriously gross. Like, seriously. He passes gas all the time, he constantly picks his nose, he never cleans up after himself EVER unless my parents yell at him to, and I hate it. I mean, it's one thing if it's your room, or if its just books and papers and stuff. But it's another when he leaves all his food out where it gets all moldy and crusty and stale, or when he spills something and it just gets sticky and gooey and worse- you step in it. *shudder*
3. He goes against my parents and expects me to cover. And I don't mean usual sibling stuff. Like, of course we cover each other for small stuff, like the last slice of cake or when we want to play on teh computer but can't. Stuff like that, we'll cover for each other once in a while. But for some reason, lately, he's been wanting to do things that are REALLY out of there- things that my parents would seriously have a stroke over if they found out he even just TRIED to do it. There are certain rules in the family (that I can't tell, because we have this rule [I feel like a goody-good girl XD]) that I know NEVER to break- otherwise I probably would just kiss my life goodbye. But now he's breaking them over nad over and over and OMG I dont' know what happened to him. Before he would do NOTHING bad, and would yell at me for doing anything I'm not supposed he's worse than me oO
4. He's abusive and touchy. No need to call the police or anything, it's not like break-your-bone abusive. But he constantly hits me and kicks me, which honestly I don't know why he tries because it doesnt' even hurt XD But he just does, and that conflicts with my touchy rule. I'll talk to him if I have to, or (god forbid) if I want to, but NEVER is he EVER to touch me. But no, he keeps trying to hug me or put me in headlocks or kicking me and I get SEIROUSLY grossed out becasue I NEVER want my brother to EVER touch me.
5. He always wants to join in my parties. I have no idea why, maybe he likes being around all the girls? I don't know, but he is such a PAIN at parties, you have no idea. I always leave him alone when he has friens over. I mean, I say hi if they say hi, or if they're in the kitchen and I'm hungry i'll be around them a bit, but that's it. But with MY parties, eh always has to join, eat all teh food, watch the movie, and its REALLY REALLY REALLY ANNOYING!!! X-( Like honestly, NONE of my friends like him there. My twin (not relaly my twin, we just call each other that) apparently treated him bad (awesome!). My brother says that some people treat him really nice, but in all honesty only one person coudl tolerate him company. Everybody who has meeted my brother has said at one point that they didn't really like him there, because he hogs the food or just comments on thigns that shouldn't be commented on and stuff like that. Some also said that maybe I could be nicer, but they didn't realy like him either XD But I should be nicer? NEVER!!! :D
I have a ton more reasons (like, TONS!) but this diary isn't about ranting on my brother....though I should cuz he's a pissy beeyatch, but i just had to let it out. becuase he's reading this so BROTHER I HATE YOU!!
Funny thing, we were going to make a Youtube channel XD yeah....not sure how we decided that. we'd probably end up arguing the whole video XD
Honestly, I don't even want to call him a brother anymore. You know what? I won't. I won't even tell anybody I have him in my family anymore.
Also, you guys might think I'm overreacting, or that it's just a childhood thing. Honestly, as much I love my dad, I would literally denounce my family just so I can truthfully claim "I don't have a brother." Like, that's how much I hate him. He is the worst person in my life, probably besides Faker (mentioned him a LOOOONG time ago), but even Faker will be gone once I graduate high school. And it's not like I always see him. But that know what? Let's give him a name- SD. It's the name I gave him on my contact list XD It stands for "Stupid Douchebag" XD XD XD hahahaha.
We should talk about something else more important :P like my life! that makes me sound so conceited XD XD XD
My family from Florida came over his weekend, and it was....ok? Like, I hung with the children and they were cool :) There was the oldest sister, the middle boy, and the youngest sister. The boy (calling him V) was...ok? But all he would talk about to me was video games and stuff like Marvel and DC and stuff taht I wasn't really interested in XD The older sister (call her M) was kind of.....there. She was nice, but just there. The younger sister (calling her A) I really liked. She was my age, and we just did whatever we wanted together XD it was fun.
their parents though....they were kind of weird XD They kept trying to talk to me and were really...i don't know, just weird XD I liked them a LOT better than most relatives I meet, but they were still weird XD luckily i like weird.
then at the same time my cousins came over becaue thier parents went to a wedding. it was a spontaneous thing, but it was absolutely awesome. I don't know fi I mentioned them before, and to honest I'm too lazy to look XD so lets call the oldest boy Hipster, and the younger sister Blue. I really enjoy hanging with Hipster and Blue, adn together with A we had a really fun time just dancing and rapping and talking and it was fun :) But the best part was when we were supposed to go to sleep. A slept with her family, and it was just SD, Blue, Hipster, and me downstairs on the couches. Blue and SD fell asleep quite early, but for some reason Hipster couldnt' sleep. I never sleep unitl like 2 in the morning, so we ended up talking the whole night. It was awesome just to hang with him, because usually him and SD just play games the whole time. but Hipster is an amazing kid, and he's funny, and he always has interesting stories to tell, and he likes a whole bunch of stuff I like....except Rick Astley. *shudder* who likes Rick Astley? like, for realzies? sorry Hipster XD
I'm also starting guitar lessons!! :D :D :D :D :D it's going to be so much fun! i've always wanted to play guitar! i have a secret reason for doing so ;) i'm going to make a youtube channel of my singing. I dont' know when, or if my parents will let me (hopefully they will!), but i really want to. which is weird, because my singing sucks XD but i think it would be fun just to try :D plus, guitar is fun anyway :) one of my other family friends tried to teach me...he taught me the 3 chords to the beginning of Starships XD XD XD
I'm so sticky right now....:'( too much heat! i can't take it! :'(
I'm going to watch Monsters University with some friends soon! :D it's going to be awesome! I cna't wait! I want to watch SOOO many movies- like Epic, or Despicable Me 2, and stuff like that. Little kid movies XD I'm so mad they dont' have Barbie on netflix :P they so should.
oh wait, i can't. because my DAD BLOCKED EVERYTHIGN ON MY COMPUTER!! GRAWR!!!
my summer has not turned out to be the fun summer i imagined. I have to do chores and clean, and do homework, adn go to the gym, and i can't go on the computer until the weekends....honestly, i shouldnt' even be on here right now XD oh well. oh wait, yes i can. cuz my parents are home XD hahaha never mind. i cant' even remember my own rules :P
this laptop is getting too hot :'( i'm gonna go.......
My Life: Day by Day
Non-FictionThis is basically an online diary - I'll be writing down my thoughts. It might be happy and you think I have an amazing life, it might be sad and you think I'm messed up. I just wanted to be able to express my true thoughts to people, and hopefully...