Chapter 2 - Mosques, The James' Family & High Hopes.

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CHAPTER 2: Mosques, The James' family and high hopes.

Mariam's POV:

I used the ablution fountain to rinse my feet and proceeded to walk towards the Kiblah (wall facing Makkah) and looked at my surroundings of the mosaic floor, carpets, enamel tiles and calligraphy and then walked towards the Women's section of  Shepherds Bush Mosque where some women were praying Maghrib prayer and some sat on the floor reading the  Quran and stood on the prayer mat and holding both hands on my stomach - began praying to Allah.

Danny's POV:

What if you have everything you could ask for but nothing you need?

I sat in the centre of my capacious bed and looked towards the view overlooking the London traffic at my bay window. Daniel James I thought sighing, just the name sent alarm bells off as it made men envious and women apprehensive and giddy. Our family was remarkably wealthy and I've always had a silver spoon in my mouth. Don't get me wrong though, I wasn't some spoilt rich kid - I worked my own way up the career ladder. At just 23, I was a business consultant and an investment accountant.

My father  Conrad James had pushed me towards working for the family company but standing next to our broken family until infinity and beyond wasn't my idea of 'independence'. Sure, my father got me into oxford I couldn't deny that and that helped me somewhat in terms of employ ability but I've always strived to work hard. Not for prosperity though like my father had as he had a fear of poverty but to prove that I wasn't some spoilt rich kid and I could make it on my own. To those who didn't know me, I pretended to be your average ordinary guy - I didn't want to be defined by the wealth of my family or as my father called it the 'James' name. He was incredibly patriotic and at times, it was rather  like he had an obsession with this whole charade. Despite my roller-coaster life I had tried to remain humble and jubilant. I envisioned the outside of our building and thought of the best way in which to describe it. flamboyant and frivolous perhaps? I chucked to myself and shook my head back and forth. I guess ordinary people would describe it as 'towering and impressive' but for those that chose to exaggerate 'magical and striking'.

Daniel couldn't deny that it did appear strikingly similar to a child's doll house. It was beautiful but slightly pretentious just like those who resided inside the futuristic doors. We lived in the borough of Chelsea and much to my father's approval our house was the most expensive in the whole borough. The chandelier and marble floors alone had cost over 2.5 million. There was an entrace hall, grand hall, hall of mirrors, boudoir, ballroom and banqueting hall; library; music room and a total of 6 bedrooms. My mother was a Doctor and my father was an important Member of Parliament and hoped to be prime minister one day as well as owning James' Industries.  I looked at the parquet floor and realised all of this meant nothing if deep down you weren't happy. My parents might aswell have been divorced they were always distant with eachother and barely acknowledged one another's existence. I threw on a pair of baggy jeans, a turtleneck jumper and a duffle coat and made my way down the spiral stairs. 

My father looked up from 'The Evening Standard' newspaper and glared at my choice of clothing and I rolled my eyes - walking past him. "You're not wearing that are you?" my father inquired eyeing me up suspiciously while walking towards me. My father was tall and looked dashing in a three piece suit. I sighed and looked up reluctantly "So, what dad? I'm not a child anymore" I snapped losing my patience. "I can't believe you have the audacity to speak to me in that atrocious tone of voice." I walked past him, having had enough and turned around and gave him what I hoped to be a 'whatever look.' I headed out into the summer's night evening walking past the train station, sports stadium and cinema. The city was lively and bustling filled with hope for the summer that had just commenced and people brushed past and walked hand in hand with their lovers. The sound of screeching cars and beeping buses was almost comforting. I thought about Mariam - her beautiful smile, her laugh, I felt like with her I didn't have to pretend but I could bask in the glory of being my true self and she loved me for me. No matter how awkward  or different I was. I wasn't the kind of guy who showed up on a girl's doorstep randomly in the middle of night holding red roses. I barely took risks in fact I just hoped she didn't give up on me.

 Mariam's POV:

I walked out of the bus with my headphones on and gripping my folder towards me, smiling while enjoying the warm weather. I walked into Tesco as my mother had asked me to buy some groceries. I sighed and thought how nice it would be if we had a little bit more money as I scanned the items and smiled at a Muslim girl walking past me.Time's were tough. My father and mother were on the brink of divorce as my mother was disabled and they were having constant arguments. 3 siblings and two parents squeezed into a 2 bedroom house wasn't exactly my idea of luxury. Jamal and Amira had their own rooms while I offered to sleep in the same room as my parents as they both kept moaning and complaining. It wasn't so bad, life was too short to complain about what we didn't have and accept what we did and feel grateful for everything we do have. Exiting the shop, I proceeded to cross the road and abruptly a car beeped it's horn loudly in front of me nearly running me over "Hey, watch where you're going you stupid Muslim!" I was furious not for only his racist comments against me but because he was the one who nearly ran me over and it was my fault? I breathed in and out and prayed to Allah to give me sabr (patience) and said "Have a fantastic day sir, and God help you release your anger problem, bye." I laughed while walking off and he stared at me from his rear-view mirror completely bewildered.

It made me completely perplexed how in the 21st century people could possibly still be so ignorant, it was sad really. I texted Danny all about it and he agreed that some people must still be living in the Middle Ages. I smiled, he understood me more than anyone else and he had met me once?The whole thing was bizarre really but I wasn't going to question fate and destiny. 

Although, I told Danny I was busy with some reading when I eventually got home, my phone still beeped while I was reading Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare for the hundredth time. I loved all of the classics. I glanced at my phone and Danny had texted "Dinner, Friday, 9pm?" and I smiled but felt apprehensive. I texted back "Just dinner? No funny business?" he instantly wrote back "I pinky promise" I laughed and texted him back asking for the details. I lay on my small and tiny bed and closed my eyes imagining how exhilirating, intriguing, incredible yet terrifying it would be.  Danny was an honourable and righteous person - truly one in a million.

My mother screamed from the other room "Mariam, come over here right now and help me with the cooking!" I groaned instantly being taken away from my daydream and back to Shepherds bush where I lived and walked towards the kitchen reluctantly helping my mother prepare dinner. 

I asked my mother "Mum, did you love Dad when you married him?" she smiled sadly "Between you and me? back in those days things were different. My father threatened to disown me if I didn't marry your father. I eventually grew to love him slightly. Nothing out of the movies, but that's real life." Phew, I was glad my mother would never push me into marrying anyone!

 Was I good enough for Daniel James? I thought to myself sighing. I had more or less grown up in poverty, I wasn't the prettiest or most interesting girl in the world so how could I possibly be so lucky? I tried to shake away my negativity but it kept coming back. I heard a beep and looked at my phone opening up a text message "I just remembered that you love Ben and Jerry's cookie dough, romantic movies such as Titanic, The Notebook and Romeo & Juliet which all make you weep. You like red roses, reading books and hate football. I know it's late but I just wanted to say goodnight. Goodnight, beautiful" I smiled and thought yep, I am pretty lucky.

Little did I know, everything was about to go downhill.

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