Jamaya - Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 – Jamaya

Maya's POV:

The wedding was in full swing and all the guests were on the dance floor. Mariam's father was at the centre and was doing the goofiest dance moves that made everyone laugh. It was great to see him having such a good time as he had barely smiled until recently since his beloved wife passed away so suddenly. My heart really ached for him at times when I would see him sitting alone or daydreaming as though he didn't want to live in the present anymore but rather go back to a time where his wife was still alive.

I glance over my shoulder and I am met with Amira tapping on my shoulder "Maya? Maya? Maya?" she asks annoyingly. She had this weird habit of acting like Sheldon Cooper and that is exactly that kind of thing that happens when you spend your nights underneath the duvet with a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough watching re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. I chuckle and raise a questioning eyebrow at her "Yes, Amira? You do know that you can address me like a normal person."

"Sorry." She giggles "But this is waaaaay more fun."

"So, what's up?" I ask suspiciously.

"Well...I have great news." She grins

"What is it?" I ask worriedly knowing Amira that her idea of good news was probably some sort of bad news or even worse some sort of prank.

"I know what you're thinking" she smirks knowingly "but this is actually good news. Someone is waiting for you by the balcony." She winks then walks away without another word.

And then, suddenly just like that I remember that today was the day I was supposed to meet my secret admirer. My heart raced as I glanced at the figure that stood with his back towards at the balcony of the venue. He was wearing a stylish blue suit and his hair was slicked back smoothly. He was holding one white rose and shifted it from hand to hand and was tapping his foot nervously. My heart began hammering even more inside my chest as I approached the figure and as I tapped him on the shoulder. The first thought that crossed my mind was relief when the man who turned around and who met my gaze was Jamal.

"Hey" he said softly smiling at me revealing his pearly white teeth "my name is Jamal and it's a pleasure to meet you." He winked and my heart instantly melted as I found it difficult to form my words.

"Nice to meet you, Jamal" I replied shyly "My name's Maya and trust me, the pleasure's all mine."

I smiled at him and couldn't help but think about how lucky I felt right now. All the pain from the unrequited love that I had for Hassan for all those years instantly seemed to fade away when I looked into Jamal's eyes. With Jamal, I instantly knew I was in good hands because he wasn't someone that I met and instantly developed a crush on like with Hassan but rather the beginning of the love I had for him was more real and pure because we had friendship first and the best love stories always begin with a solid foundation of friendship and then love comes next. Jamal made me feel safe and secure and I wasn't afraid to be myself around him whereas with Hassan I always felt as though I had to hide parts of my personality in order to impress him because it always hurt my feelings when I would do something nice for him or laugh a little too loudly and he'd look at me oddly but in Jamal's eyes I always saw kindness and I always felt as though he was proud of me but more importantly I always felt as though I had known him all of my life.

I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts by a worried Daniel rushing towards us "Guys, have you seen Mariam?" he asked.

"N-no." Jamal replied abruptly "Why what's up?"

"I can't find her. Hassan said he was going to have a word with her but now they're nowhere to be seen."

Jamal tutted and shook his head "I swear, Daniel if he kidnapped my sister or something on her wedding day I'm going to kill Hassan when I find him."

"Have you asked the reception?" I asked Daniel.

"Actually, no." he said with a look of determination flashing in his eyes "Thanks, Maya." and without another word he was running out of the room towards the lobby."

Daniel's POV:

"Hi...um" I said squinting at the boy's name that was displayed on his shirt "Sean. I need to ask you a question."

"Shoot." He replied barely even acknowledging me. The boy looked as though he was no older than sixteen years old and seemed to have no interest in speaking to me.

"I was wondering have you seen my wife? You couldn't have missed her she was wearing a wedding dress so she's kind of hard to miss."

"Dude, I saw her talking to some guy and the next thing I know she's chasing after him but before she could catch up he was long gone."

"So, she didn't leave with him then?"

"Nope." He replied simply and turned back to the game that he was playing as though he had already dismissed me. But that was perfectly fine with me since the guy had already answered everything for me. If Mariam wasn't with Hassan, then where on earth was she? I asked myself completely perplexed. And then it dawned on me that Conrad must have something to do with this.

 Without a second glance back at the venue, I jumped into Yassin's sleek BMW turned the key and started the engine letting the car peel off into the dark night. When I had finally pulled up to Conrad's home, I immediately turned the engine off. All of the lights were off and the house seemed to be so empty now that my mother and I had left. It seemed to lack the appeal that it once had now it just looked cold and creepy.

As I walked up the stairs of the porch, I quickly made a dua in my head that the spare key was still underneath the carpet and that I could gain access to the property. I let my hand wander under the carpet that read 'Welcome' and retrieved the key, thankfully. I opened the door and let myself in quietly. I immediately entered the code into the alarm so that it wouldn't go off and alert the police. I took the stairs two at a time and let myself into Conrad's bedroom. The bedroom was still bleak and black much like Conrad's soul. I immediately raced over to the sleek black phone beside the bed and dialled Conrad's phone number and to my surprise he answered.

"Daniel" he said cheerfully as though he was expecting me "How may I be of assistance today?"

"Where's Mariam?" I demanded.

"Safe" He chucked cruelly "for now, that is."

"Don't you dare do anything to her. Tell me where she is right now."

"Or what?" Conrad asked in a patronising tone "are you going to hurt me?" he laughed feigning fear.

I sighed and then my eyes landed on a silver headband on Conrad's pillow that used to belong to Scarlett. The headband was smeared with Scarlett's blood.

"Or I'll show your little piece of evidence that you forgot to dispose of to the police."

Conrad gasped "You wouldn't!" he snapped "I will ruin you." He warned.

"Save your lame threats for someone else. Now, tell me where she is."

Conrad immediately gave me the address that would take at least an hour and a half to get to.

"You have an hour." He said simply "Or she dies." Before I could reply, Conrad had already hung up the phone.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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