Chapter 34 - The Importance of Family.

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Mariam's POV:

"Okay, seriously what's with you and Jamal? you guys make the quarreling of a married couple look like a minor problem." Maya had a look I couldn't quite put my finger on plastered across her face. I could tell that although I was speaking to her that her thoughts were somewhere far, far away.

"He wants me to meet him." she said suddenly a look of anxiety flashing in her eyes as she gives me a tight lipped smile. "Meet who?" I ask quizzically unsure of who and what exactly Maya was referring to.  "Mr Mcdreamy." she spoke gently sighing dramatically "He wants to meet me."

"That's great!" I exclaimed "Isn't this what you wanted? To meet the guy who's behind these amazing and romantic letters?" Maya turned towards me cupping a hand beneath her chin as she lay on my bed "At first..." she said simply tracing circles on my duvet cover "but now, I don't know. What if he's not the person that he seemed like he was? what if all these letters and the spark we had merely vanishes to nothing? what if the guy who made me forget my unrequited love towards Hassan has just been-"

I cut Maya's endless questions off that could drive away anyone up the wall "Maya, would you stop?" I snapped surprising myself with my icy tone but the words were merely word vomit that couldn't be stopped "Get a grip. Why don't you ask yourself some positive questions? You never know he just might be your soul mate."

Maya looked taken aback by my harsh tone but she still managed to shoot me a dreamy smile "I guess." 

"That's my girl." I winked back playfully "Now show me the letter."

Five minutes later after ruffling around in her handbag Maya retrieved another red envelope that was identical to all the other letters that her secret admirer had been sending to her recently. I scanned my eyes over the letter reading it quickly and then reading it over again my eyes widening. 

"How does he know?" I yelled. 

"Know what?" she asked plopping herself on the sofa in the living room.

"How does he know that my wedding is on the 29th? Did you honestly miss that piece of information?"

Maya shot her eyebrows up in confusion "I must have not read that part."

"You know what this means right?" I asked frowning.

Maya stared at me for a long moment before responding "No?" she asked mumbling.

"Maya this means that this guy knows us." I said shaking my head in disbelief  my heart hammering inside my chest with excitement "He's a lot closer to home than you think. There's only a handful of people who know about the wedding date." 

"Well, yeah." she said simply shrugging her shoulders with a short nod "That was before. Did you forget we sent several invitations out over the course of last week." she rolled her eyes noticing the look of doubt on my face "So that could just mean he's a friend of the family we've never even met." 

I nodded "So, he wants to meet you on the day of my wedding. It says here he's going to be wearing a blue suit."

Maya rolled her eyes "That's just stupid."

"Why?" I asked perplexed.

"Well, obviously there could be plenty of guys who will wear blue suits. For a romantic he's surprisingly not very imaginative."

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