Chapter 10 - New Friends & New Beginnings.

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CHAPTER 10 -  New friends & New Beginnings.

Mariam's POV:

I sat with an empty expression with my legs resting on my bay window and thought about acknowledging yesterday's events.


I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about the possibility of Daniel being disloyal, deceiving and impersonating a person that he truly wasn't. His expression looked genuine but Mariam couldn't imagine Scarlett going to those lengths although she was bitter. Perhaps it was because I saw the best in people no matter what. So why couldn't I see the best in Daniel right now? It was just too hard and he had probably committed treacherous acts. Seeing him laying there next to someone else. Committing acts that were unholy and disgraceful with someone whom he wasn't marry to. It seemed impossible and I couldn't imagine him ever doing that. The man in the suit told me to get away before I get myself involved in something incredibly dangerous as  the men were sent by Conrad James himself. I tried my best despite what Daniel had done to me to save him but every time I tried, I was pushed away and Hassan was even punched in the face which made his face bruise and made Yasmin ask several questions that we couldn't answer. Thankfully, Hassan pretended he got into another fight when really, he was just fighting my battles for me.

Eventually, we got up and tried to run off after the men but with an unconscious Daniel in tow, they hopped into their cars rapidly and drove off at high speed leaving the deserted night road and taking Daniel away to somewhere else. 

Somewhere I didn't know and there wasn't a single thing I could do.

Hassan has been there for me since yesterday's events and instead of being his usual annoying self kept shooting me awkward and worried glances. I simply tried to smile but he didn't return it and busied himself with giving me food and looking after me, reassuring Yasmin that I was fine and that he'd look after me so she went off to the the grocery store. He sat next to me and was about to speak but I held up my hands,

"Me first..." I said with a choked voice before continuing and cleared my throat "I know you're going to say, I told you so Mariam. I told you he was going to hurt you. I told you that you loved him but he didn't really love you." I smiled sadly and could feel my brown eyes filling up with tears again like pools filled with unhappiness, sadness and defeat. 

 He laughed which made me arch my eyebrow in surprise

"No, Mariam" he paused and looked up at me with his hazel eyes "I was going to say you were brave. I always go for the wrong girl just because I'm scared of being alone. I never choose the one but I think I have." I gave him a worried and skeptical expression.

He simply carries on and smiles weakly "It's fine. I know you don't love me but that doesn't mean we can't be best friends, right?" I nodded and he proceeded to continue "I will always be here for you and try to learn to be as strong and brave as you are." I gave him a smile and simply nodded - scared, worried that I was going to starting sobbing again. Hassan was such a good guy and I was disappointed he was wasting his time and energy on someone like me. 

 Hassan insisted on keeping me company despite the fact that I would've preferred to sit alone and cry in front of the screen watching 'The Notebook' over and over again. I, however didn't have the heart to send him away after his revelation today. The rain was thumping hard on the window pane and I could see couples running around with umbrellas and squealing as Hassan put a DVD into the DVD port. The sky sparkled with stars and the moonlit sky looked breathtaking as usual. I looked around at my already messy room and thought about how lazy I have been these past few days, Hassan's jacket lay on the corner of my bed and I glanced at him sitting on the purple carpet as he fiddled and fingered the DVD disc and tried to set it to the correct settings and press play. I smiled.

He reminded me of Jamal, my brother that I adored back home and then I thought of Amira and how much I missed her and everyone else. Tomorrow, I was starting UCLA and I was glad to have the downtime to watch movies as I'd be extremely busy for the rest of the year. Hassan inserted a film that looked like 'Die Hard' and gave me a cute smile that curled his lips up at the side and I was  glad and grateful that he had selected something that wasn't romantic. Watching The Notebook right now wasn't probably the best idea as I would have to sit and weep by the screen and that wasn't healthy. I approved of the action film that consisted of guns and a lot of shooting and killing because it made me forget about Daniel. Even, if it was just for a second. 

(A/N I'm sorry that it's kinda short guys. I got a bad case of writer's block and I'm planning my next move as of now. I'm not sure when the next update is but I will try my best to update regularly despite the fact that I'm quite busy at the moment. Hassan is such a cutie :) Thank you for reading, I love you guys <3)

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