Chapter 24 - Treachery and Deception.

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Chapter 24 - Treachery and Deception.

Hassan's POV:

I studied my reflection in the mirror and examined my dark circles forming underneath my usually hazel yet haunted brown eyes and I wore a woeful expression as my large yet delicate hands was carefully placed on my  lap in the dimmed room of the apartment I shared with my brother. I couldn't help but regret the situation I had got myself into. What would Mariam think? I thought and then bowed my head down running a finger through my dark, wavy hair. She'd be so disappointed that I was throwing my life away but was that really what I was doing? surely, she'd understand if she knew why I was doing all of this. There was no other way to pay for place at UCLA. Although, I had already completed my degree in Medicine - I still wanted to gain my master's degree and make my parents proud. The only issue was, I was completely and utterly broke. I was working 6 shifts at the local Starbucks as a barista and collecting all of my money but it just didn't seem enough. I didn't mean to seem shallow, desperate or greedy even but the fluttering feeling of determination was stubbornly placed in my chest. Like father, like son I thought chuckling. Digging myself a deeper hole I began to dial the number of my new 'criminal boss' and waited for him to pick up. 

"Hello?" the voice chirped in a wrathful tone.

"H-h-hello?" I stuttered

"Hassan, meet me at the bridge in ten minutes. I've got a job waiting for you. I warn you it's not for the faint hearted. If you're going to act like a little scared bitch you might as well back out now."

I blinked and winced at the sound of his foul language and took the time to collect what I was getting myself into.

"I..." I trailed off. Why was I acting so helpless and stupid? God, he must think I am an idiot!

"Tick tock. I've got a life, Hassan. So, what's it going to be?" the voice sneered mocking my fear.

"It's done, Mr James."

"That's Boss Conrad James to you." the voice tutted disapprovingly before hanging up the phone abruptly. I stared at my mirror reflection again although it was somewhat alluring it was also shamefaced and unblinking as the reflection sulked mockingly at me. 

Daniel's POV:

 I shot her a nervous and coy smile as she rested her hands on her laps and stared with her brown eyes into my small yet positively striking eyes.

"Yeah, It's Daniel."

"I'm sorry how I reacted when I was in the hospital it's just that...I don't remember anything and It's a lot to take in, you know?"

I could only nod and give her a pained yet blithe smile in return. Mariam shuffled about uncomfortably and wore a inscrutable expression. She seemed so far away and distant. The coma seemed to had changed something about her she just wasn't the same bashful and shy Mariam he knew that could make him clasp his stomach with laughter at the click of her finger. She must have picked up on my doleful expression as she turned around and shot me a wistful smile.

"It's okay. I understand. If I had gone what you went through then I would also feel totally weird if a random guy was confessing his love to me." She gave me a confused look "You mean a girl? Because if it was a guy then that would totally freak you out." and she started laughing while clutching her stomach which made my heart stop for a minute. It was good to see her laughing again. I smiled at her and watched her with a wide eyed and unblinking expression as I felt like although it was stupid that that little small laugh was helping me get closer to her again slowly but surely.

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