Chapter 12 - Ice-cream, UCLA and pretty girls.

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Mariam's POV:

The alarm clock beeps and I roll over in my bed, how could it possibly be already time for school? I groan to myself inwardly. I roll over and I am met with Hassan's expression and before I can control myself, I scream and push him to the side of the room as my eyes dart to my alarm clock that confirms it is officially 7:30 AM. I grab my hijab and throw it on top of my head and sure as hell hope he didn't see my hair. What the hell was he playing at?

 Hassan lies on the side of my room on top of my pink rug (or shall I say Samira's rug) and laughs while clutching his stomach and gasping for breath.

"It is not funny!" I scream while throwing my pillow that lands at the perfect place in which I intended. His face. I was never bad at sport. I'll give myself that I thought grinning to myself.

"I-I...can't even..." he says clutching his stomach while his words trailed off and continued to laugh.

"You're an idiot!" I confirmed although a small smile was secretly creeping up on the corners of my mouth.

"You should have seen your face!" he said finally being able to speak coherently and then went back into a fit of giggles.

"Hassan!" I practically screamed, for the hundredth time that morning and shook his shoulders "If you don't stop laughing, I will walk to school by myself!" I threatened which did the trick as he held his hands up and laughed again and then stopped himself when he saw me giving him a fake glare when really I did kind of funny which I would so not admit, ever!

"Ok, okay, I will behave. I promise." I sighed and was about to say thank you that is until he grabbed his towel and darted to the bathroom which meant I had to wait last in line for the shower. I  groaned and banged on the door "Oh, it's so on Hassan! You're not going to get away with this." I could hear him stifling his laughs and thought that I was definitely going to get revenge on him somehow.

I could hear Yasmin's voice from the kitchen below telling me to come down the stairs. What the hell? I thought. Why not? since I had to wait for Hassan anyway. Hopping down the steps two at a time and walking into the kitchen my nose is instantly met with the delicious smell of pancakes and freshly cut strawberries and my stomach started growling. I realised I still had a smirk and a glare on my face and Yasmin gave a small laugh gesturing to my stomach "Well, I'm glad your stomach is happy to see me but your face says otherwise!" she retorted cheerfully. "Grandma..." I began (that's what I called her out of respect although she wasn't my real grandma.) "Hassan is the most annoying boy on the planet!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes, recalling his childish yet somewhat amusing behaviour.

"You just discovered that?" Yasmin said with one eyebrow arched and her mouth curled into a teasing smirk. "He just likes to tease you because you're so easy to tease Mariam! Don't forget two can play at his game." 

Hmm, I thought to myself while tucking into my pancakes and tossing a strawberry into my mouth - you got that right, Grandma.

I'm brought back from my deep and dark thoughts by Yasmin's questions "So, are you excited for school?" I thought to myself for a second before replying "Well, I am excited that I am finally going towards my desired career path but as for meeting new people and the whole learning names thing? I'm not sure I'm really bothered." I admitted but Yasmin gave me an are-you-crazy look.

"That is the best part of starting fresh and new! meeting new people, socialising, new friends..." she trailed off when she saw the look of utter shock on my face.

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