Chapter 38 - The Wedding Part 2.

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Chapter 38 - The Wedding Part 2.

Mariam's POV:

I ran back breathlessly towards the venue and slammed into someone's hard chest "Ouch" I groaned "watch where you're going,idiot!"

The voice chuckled back as his cool breathe ran over my face and sent shivers down my spine "I've been waiting for this moment for so long, Mariam." I could feel my whole body tense up and tremble although the voice sounded only vaguely familiar but for some reason I felt like I was in danger.

Hassan's warning left me on the edge and I hoped he was okay when he walked off but now I felt like things weren't going to be okay for me. Who were we kidding? Daniel and I? Did we honestly think we could ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after?

Our relationship began on troublesome terms and I was more than sure it would end badly too. Although, I loved Daniel, our relationship turned me into the hugest pessimist. The man traced his fingers along my collarbone and I didn't have to be a psychic to know what he was hinting at. Apprehensively, I looked up into the man's cruel and piercing eyes and memories began flashing back.


"Mariam, no!"

"Daniel, I would die for you. Don't you understand?" Daniel weeped as I dragged him across the street. I slowly turned towards what Daniel was pointing at
and before I knew it I could hear Conrad's cool tone "Load them up, boys. She will not be missed." And suddenly a pandemonium of noise filled the streets as I braced myself for the bullet that was heading towards me. Except, this had happened before but it felt real again - like all of it was happening right this very moment. This time, everything was in slow motion. Daniel's agonising scream, Conrad's cruel smirk and the bullet that was heading straight for me. I squinted my eyes shut but the bullet raced past me. I gasped. This wasn't how it happened. Maybe this time it would be different. Maybe this time I could defeat Conrad.

I put on a brave face and looked Conrad straight in the eye "You tried to kill me once. I'd like to see you try it again."

Conrad chortled with laughter "Aw, who's a tough little girl, eh?"

"Don't patronise me!" I shouted "I will scream, I swear."

Conrad tutted "You think you're so smart, don't you?" he smiled "You may be book smart sweetheart but you're not really not that street smart."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"I brought a little something with me to send you off to that happy place."

"What happy place?"

"Nap time."

"You've got to be kidding me. You're not going to drug me, are you?"

"Sweetheart," he grinned "That's exactly what I'm going to do."

"You wouldn't dare. This is a public place. The police would arrest you."

Conrad merely smirked "You have such little faith in me, Mariam. You're forgetting that I am the man who pulled off a shooting in a car park and I walked away freely."

I knew he was right but I tried to pretend like I didn't believe a word he was saying. I let out the loudest scream I could muster but before I knew it Conrad had wrapped a cloth around my mouth that sent me fast asleep. Conrad was capable of anything as a well respected politician
and I knew that today was my last night alive.


I was instantly awoken by the faint smell of wood, the sound of a dripping pipe and cold air that made me shiver. I opened my eyes and was met with Conrad's smiling expression.
I instantly let out a scream "What the hell are you doing here?"

He winked "Let me refresh your memory, darling. I kidnapped you, remember?"

And suddenly, everything fell back into place again. Conrad had kidnapped me from the wedding and that was the last thing I  could remember before I completely
blacked out. "What do you want from me?" I cried.

"Revenge." he replied simply as though the answer was right at the tip of his tongue for so long "You see, you ruined my life. So did Yassin, Patricia and Daniel."

"Are you kidding me?" I groaned "You ruined my life. You put me into a coma for 2 years!"

"Oh, please." he shrugged "I wanted you dead and you're talking about a coma. Big deal. Let's all
have a pity party for Mariam."

I snorted in disbelief.

"What?" he asked

"You just don't care, do you?" I replied "You ruin lives. You ruin people's happiness and it's all just a big joke to you?"

"Shut up, bitch!" he shouted "I sacrificed my whole life for Patricia and Daniel. Just so she can run off into the distance with Yassin and throw me out?"

"You only raised him for your own reasons. You only raised him because he was linked to royalty and you know what?" I continued wandering if I had a death wish but I just couldn't stop. It was like all of this was building up to the chanceI had right now to tell Conrad exactly how I felt.

"Patricia deserved a thousand times better than you. You cheated on her and treated her like she was a pair of disposable socks."

He snorted "That's because she was. She was useless."

"Oh, yeah?" I replied "And what are you, Conrad? A washed up politician with a miserable life with no-one who loves him, a criminal and a murderer."

Little did I know, that was the final straw and that was the moment that Conrad landed a slap across my face and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Stop!" I heard a voice bark "She's a girl, what are you doing?"

"Conrad, you can't hurt her." Another male voice added.

I looked up as tears poured from my eyes and my heart sank. Two people I  thought I could trust who got me through my mother's death and coma stood before me as Conrad's allies - Doctor Reed and Hassan Omar.

 (A/N I'm aware this is short guys but I promise I'm back. My laptop broke and I've been busy with wedding and family related stuff. I hope you guys understand. Love you Romancers xo)

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