Chapter 21 -The Forgotten.

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Chapter 21 - The Forgotten.

'Mr James, I would highly advise you to calm down. I know you're feeling extremely worried right now...' the voice trailed off

"Don't tell me how to feel. The love of my life is lying lifeless and you tell me to 'calm down?' I'm afraid you don't understand the extent of just how bad this situation is, Doctor." The voice replied back sharply.

My eyes were struggling to open but I felt a wave of panic hit me. Where was I and why the hell were two people randomly fighting? I wanted my mum so badly. I needed her to comfort me just like when I was little and tell me everything would be okay but the rising rush of anxiety confirmed that everything was far from fine. "It's been two years." the voice continued snapping me out of my thoughts rather rudely "Mariam has been lying in a coma for two years and you promised me this operation would bring her back. Bring her back to me and here she is still lying here limply." the voice that I now guessed was a young man began to shake and he finally let out a sob. My mind began to race at the sound of my name and I realised I couldn't recall anything except for Amira, Jamal, my parents and briefly Hassan the boy I met the first year of college. I couldn't remember anything else.

My eyes began to slowly lift and I saw two figures standing at the edge of the room. There was a man wearing a long white jacket that I figured was the doctorand a handsome young man in his 20's dressed in a sophisticated black suit, with his hair slicked back and looked as though he had an oriental background. He wore a dark and gloomy expression while the doctor gave him a sympathetic but somewhat awkward and uncomfortable look. 

I began to purse my lips and then open my mouth but felt afraid to speak. Afraid that I had lost my words. "H-h-hello?" I stuttered looking over at the two men and their heads both shot immediately in the direction of the other side of the roomlooking at me for a moment with utter disbelief as though I was dead and came back to life. Apparently according to the guy who referred to me as the 'love of his life' I had just awoken from a coma. I had never felt so lost in my life.

The man in the trendy suit dashed across the room while his eyes began welling up with tears as he sobbed at the edge of my bed and held on to my hand. I began to tremble under his touch. Why was this man touching me? I immediatelysnatched my hand away and he looked up with a bemused expression on his face and wiped away a tear quickly with one long hand. "M-mariam, it's me?" The man's dark eyes looked troubled "Daniel." he said slowly as though speaking to a child hoping to trigger some kind of recognition and looked at the doctor helplessly as though he could offer some sort of explanation. I looked at him blankly and began to speak but felt worried that I would hurt the man's feelings who had some sort of attachement to me

"I'm afraid I don't know who you are." I replied in a small tone avoiding his big brown eyes that looked troubled and lost. I carefully studied his expression slowly and expected him to continue to speak but he began to cry and ran out of the room with an embarassed expression. I felt apprehensive and anxious. This was way too much to take in right now and I was desperate for a friendly face that I knew. This guy could be a random stalker for all I know and my family just left me here? Jeez, I felt so special right now.

I was transfixed in my thoughts and stared at the mirror at my black headscarf and my eyes that looked like they belonged to someone else. I looked afraid and had black circles under my eyes which was a little more than ironic considering the situation that I had just supposedly snapped out of. 

The doctor began to speak "Mariam Ali, I'm Doctor Reed. It's lovely to meet you. I have been looking after you for the past two years and I've got to say it's nice finally seeing you awake. I'm sure your family will be ecstatic to see those beautiful brown eyes again."

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