Chapter 30 - Prison & Maya's Admirer.

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Chapter 30 - Prison Cells & Maya's Admirer.

 Hassan's POV:

"Mariam?" I whispered as her radiant and smiling expression hovered above me. I glanced around and took in my surroundings and I was sitting on a desk in front of Mariam and Daniel. I sighed loudly why was here and most importantly why was I knocked out in what seemed to be the middle of a conversation?

She chuckled quietly and wore a mischevious expression "You may have passed out. You look like you're getting skinny. Are they feeding you enough in here?" Mariam asked fussing over me and glaring at the guards which made me chortle with laughter.  "If you consider porridge three times a day as feeding me properly then yes darling." I said affectionately but sarcastly. She knew how to lift my negative and pessimistic mood with just her mere presence. 

I studied Daniel's expression expecting and even hoping for a glare for making inappropriate remarks at his fiancee but he simply smiled broadly. He was so confident that Mariam was his and that annoyed me beyond belief. "Where's Maya?" I asked nonchalantly trying to ignore Daniel's sudden interest in the conversation.

Mariam wore a sad expression "She had a rough night yesterday without you around and we thought we should let her sleep in. She'll probably kill us for leaving her later on but it's worth it." 

I could merely nod and felt a wash of guilt when I thought about how much Maya cared about me and how little I cared about her. How selfish I was to have dragged her in my mess and made her feel as though she had a chance at a happy life and marriage with me. I had come to the realisation that everything in my life was mainly based on lies. I didn't understand when people could see the good side in me because I had loathed the person that I had become. I vowed that as soon as Maya came to visit me that I would tell her the truth. Tell her that this love was only one sided and it was heading nowhere. She deserved a chance at love with someone who cared about and cherished her. 

"Any news about the stalking?"

Mariam sighed and Daniel gave her an encouraging smile motioning for her to continue with the conversation. She placed one hand under her chin and gave me a doleful expression "I received another letter. They told me that I should prepare for something that would be happening very soon." her voice sounded anxious and shaken. She bit her lip and I could see she was desperately trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall from her hazel eyes.

"Prepare for what?" I asked confused.

"That's just it. I have absolutely no idea. I just have this really bad feeling." I could only nod. This was my only chance to tell Mariam everything about the Scarlett Hamilton murder and the jobs that I had carried out for Conrad James. But was there any point? I asked myself. There was absolutely no solid proof and it would just drive Mariam away from me. Contrary to what anyone thinks I actually really needed her right now desperately. I needed her by my side.

"I'm sure it's just some sort of sick prank." I said trying to comfort her but she just shook her head confidently "I am 100% sure this is serious. There are people out there who don't want and do not believe that Daniel and me should be together." I winced at the sound of her uttering his name. It still pained me that Daniel was going to marry the girl I have loved for over 3 years.

"Don't leave the house alone like they said and just be careful." I gave her playful wink and a broad smile to lighten the mood but she merely nodded. I could tell that her mind was preoccupied with endless thoughts and worries and I couldn't blame her because I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen and there wasn't a thing that I could do to prevent it.

"I have to go but we'll come back tomorrow." She gave me a smile as she rose from her seat carefully but I could tell her mind was already elsewhere.Daniel stood up and patted me on the back "Despite what you might think, I don't hate you and I really want to thank you for looking out for Mariam." 

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