Chapter 23 - Visions, Stalkers and An Epiphany.

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Mariam's POV: 

Doctor Reed slowly approached the side of my bed and gave me a wide infectious grin and I couldn't help but laugh "What are you grinning about?"

He gave me one of his crazy dances and laughed "You can go home! You must be ecstatic." I smiled back widely "Ecstatic is an understatement. Thank you so much Doctor Reed for everything by the way. You really have been there for myself and my family."

"It's just my job, Mariam." he replies back warmly.

I gave him one of my large grins "Seriously, you went above and beyond. Thanks." He nodded and turned to walk away stopping at the door and replying "That's okay." his blue eyes looked even more blue today if it was possible and his blonde hair was gelled back smoothly.

Doctor Reed stands outside the door and makes a quick phone call. "Listen, you're making me risk my whole career for you. £10,000 pounds or the deal is off." he replied back sharply to the other person on the phone. I was suspicious and every bone in my body was telling me to continue to listen but I didn't like meddling in another person's business and so I locked my door and went back to lie in my bed reaching for my headphones and listening to songs from Demi's new album.

I lay in bed and continued to think about whether to notify the police about the threatening stalker letter. When I had asked my sister and brother about the shooting that took place they told me that a man named Conrad shot me. When I asked them the reason why they had simply replied that he was a psychopath and he had shot me because he disliked Muslim girls. 

 My instincts were telling me that this man was behind the stalker letters. Hadn't he had enough? he had put me in a coma for two years. As far as I was concerned he was the one who ruined my life and I did not ruin his. Something told me that notifying the police was a bad idea and this would lead to the stalker possibly killing me but what else could I do? was I supposed to just sit around and be constantly looking over my shoulder? that was not a life I wanted to live. I wanted to be free again and roam around shopping malls and go out with friends. Two years of my life had been robbed away from me and I didn't intend on letting any more of it go to waste. I take in my surroundings of the white marble floor, the capacious blue bed and the framed photograph of a bright blue ocean. I was more than happy to go home as I would feel more safer there than in a hospital by myself. The letter had freaked me out and I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with the situation. I decided to keep it to myself for a while but if I received another one then I would contact the police immediately.

*2 hours later*

My mother, sister and brother had all come to the hospital to help me pack up and leave. After saying our thank you's and goodbyes to Doctor Reed and the rest of the staff who had taken care of me I was on my way back home driving slowly in my brother's car. As we drove Doctor Reed was talking in hushed  tones with a girl wearing a black hoodie. The girl was thin and tall but I couldn't see her face that she was desperately trying to hide but I didn't bother dwelling on what was going on. It was probably his wife or his girlfriend, right?

The sun was shining brightly despite the September weather and there were neighbours gossiping and couples holding hands. I could feel a tug in my heart of nostalgia. I only remembered all of this vaguely but my heart confirmed otherwise. My heart seemed to remember everything. After I had arrived back home I lay on my bedroom bed and walked towards the window and suddenly felt my hands stroking the window. I didn't understand what I was doing but my heart and my hands had a life of their own. Suddenly, a vision came to my mind of a rock being thrown at my window. It was night time and I ran over excitedly from my bed wearing my pink robe, looked down, smile and run back quickly throwing on an outfit. I look over to the clock at my bedside table and the time reads 4:30 AM. Where would I be going at that time? I was now realizing that the vision that I was receiving was something from a while ago but I couldn't remember any of it. I walked over to the window as I tried to make the vision allow me to see who I was smiling at that was standing at the bottom of my window but when I tried, I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts.  

That's the only thing that the vision had allowed me to see. I had a feeling there was more to see and I was curious who I was meeting at the bottom of my window at that hour. Nevertheless, I was still grateful for the vision that was an epiphany. I felt like If I received any more of those then that would help me regain at least some if not all of my memory. I felt like my parents and family weren't telling me the complete truth and I realized that I had to find out everything for myself If I was to recover fully and successfully.

I walk outside my house and sit on the porch. I can feel someone staring at me and I turn around. My brother Jamal gives me a confused look and I give him one of my best I'll-be-fine-and-I-wont-get-shot-for-sitting-on-my-porch smiles and It does the trick as he walks away. I just needed a moment to myself.

I see a figure walking down the road wearing a white polo shirt, blue jeans and a black leather jacket and I feel my heart tug. I recognized that outfit from somewhere. I don't know when or where but I've seen him before wearing that exact clothing. His infectious grin remains on his face as he walks towards me, his brown eyes look bigger than ever and his soft brown curls is ruffled at the top of his head 

"Mariam-" he begins

and I smile "It's Daniel, right?" 

The heart doesn't forget what it wants to remember.

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