Chapter 19 - The Escape Plan.

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Chapter 19 - The Escape Plan.

Daniel's POV:

"I'm leaving for work and I've left breakfast for you as you can see. Have a good day." he winked although he clearly meant the opposite.

"Sure." I replied in a relaxed voice. I didn't want him to think that I wasn't okay and give the devil's spawn himself the satisfaction.

I was dying to ask him about Scarlett but honestly what was the point? it was very unlikely he'd give anything away. I turned over and he had already sprinted out of the door which made me want to mentally punch myself again for having slow reactions and being indecisive and I listened out for him rattling around for his car keys which he always did since I was a little kid.

Mariam's POV:

It was nearly 5am and my alarm clock beeped loudly on the pink mahogany table that resided next to my small yet comfortable bed. "Time to wake up." I groaned to myself inwardly. The thought of seeing Daniel after all this time was the only thing that kept me going as I barely got a wink of sleep last night and kept thinking about what would happen tomorrow. I attempted to give a brave smile to the mirror but my eyes defeated the purpose. I was scared and I couldn't deny that. At 5am in the morning I was going to hop into some random guy's car who could be trying to kill me for all I know. My brown eyes had dark circles and my skin looked tired and dull but I didn't care because I was happy. Happier than I've ever been since that day we had the fight outside his house. I forced on a determined look, brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen to quickly make myself breakfast. Pouring my cereal into a bowl I felt a figure standing behind me. I was reluctant to turn around but last time a random man was standing in, no scratch that, comfortably sitting in my house and I decided  that I had to put on a brave face and meet the tall figure head on.

"What are you doing?" the voice asked curiously. 

 I sighed a huge sigh of relief "Jamal. You are one hell of a crazy brother. You nearly made me jump out of my skin." He chuckled and rubbed his tired eyes and I gave him a quizzical look "Can't sleep." he replied clearly reading my thoughts.

I nodded "What about you?" he asked. I realized that I didn't come up with an excuse and he looked at me quizzically when I hesitated "Same." I replied trying to sound genuine.

"Riiiiight." he said sarcastly as an indication that he didn't believe me. "Whatever dude." I smiled and pursed my lips and then stuck out my tongue which made him giggle like a girl. I missed my big brother and I didn't care if he was annoying because I still loved him.I darted my eyes to the clock hanging above the fridge and it was already 04:55AM and I realized I had to get rid of Jamal as soon as possible if I was to get dressed on time, 

 "Hey bro, why don't you go back to sleep? Don't you have work tomorrow?" I pretended to ask in an innocent voice but he wasn't having any of it. 

 "What are you up to?" he asked suspiciously.

"N-n-nothing." I stuttered. 

 Damn it! I thought in my head mentally slapping myself for finding it so difficult to lie.

"Mariam, one of these days your rebellious ways will get you hurt. Be careful and don't do anything stupid. I love you kiddo." he ruffled my hair and I pretended to be annoyed but gave him a hug and for some reason a wave of nostalgia spread through me and I felt like I wasn't going to see him for a long time. Weird.

 When he finally went up to his bedroom, I raced up the stairs and pulled on a blue skirt, a red top and a cardigan and then waited by my bay window. Anxiety rushed through me as I realized I had probably got myself into a very dangerous game. The clock seemed to be taken forever to move and I felt myself feel uncomfortable and unsettled the more I waited. 

 I wanted all of it over and done with. Suddenly, a sleek black range rover pulled into the drive way and I instantly ran into the parking lot afraid that it would wake my parents and neighbours. Yassin and his three bodyguards were wearing matching black suits and black sunglasses and looked like extra's from some kind of crime show. 

"Mariam." he said greeting me warmly " Salamu alaikum." 

"Wa alayku salam." I replied in a apprehensive and shy tone.

"Mashallah" he sighed "beautiful girl. I can see what Daniel sees in you."

I blushed and whispered "Thank you."

I held my hand out to the bodyguards but they just gave me a blank expression and ordered "Hop in." and  feeling embarrassed I did just that. The drive towards Daniel house made me feel even more anxious then I did when I was at home and it seemed to take forever. Yassin and the guards remained silent for a while and I was relieved as I wasn't able to speak when I was this engrossed in my thoughts.

 Yassin turns over in his seat suddenly and wears a mysterious yet excited expression "The guards will direct you to the basement. Situated in the basement is a small window but you can fit in and the guards will wait for you outside. Explain to Daniel and Patricia what will happen and do not spend longer than 5 minutes in the room. You need to get out as soon as possible. Conrad is a very difficult man and it's not easy to convince him that everything is great and peachy, got it?" he asked. I hesitated but could only nod trying to take in the dangerous game that I've got myself into. I knew deep down though that I'd rather risk my  life and save him then let him be kept hostage for the rest of his life.

We were driving towards Daniel's house and I began to feel nauseous because I was so nervous. I desperately wanted to see him again but there was so much that we had to discuss. Why was he in Scarlett's bed? was one of the main questions that haunted me most nights as Daniel didn't strike me as the type of person that was capable of participating in casual endeavours. Then, I dreaded the fact that Conrad could appear at any moment and kill all of us. Conrad was now one of the most highest ranking politicians in the country which meant he was in a position of power and had several guards and protection that could instantly knock out our mini trio crew. Waves of despair rushed over me as I recalled what happend the last time I was here. 

Being racially abused and being abused because of my religion by his father and being embarrassed in front of other guests wasn't exactly the best thing to experience and then to my horror being pictured by paparazzi and finding out about my mother's fatal and life threatening illness. That was the day that my life was turned upside down completely from every angle possible.

Yassin snapped me out of my thoughts once again "Remember, I'm going to the office to distract Conrad and honestly, I don't know how long I will have. He gets suspicious by my mere presence so run fast, okay?" I nodded and wiped a tear from my eye and wanted to mentally slap myself for being so emotional but I was so happy. Happy that I was finally getting to see Daniel because life without him was incomplete and dull.

 Parking outside the house the guards opened my car door.

Yassin pushed me out lightly "Go, Mariam! make us proud." he smiled with a look of determination on his face and I simply nodded although I still didn't understand why he wanted to help Daniel and Patricia so badly.  Perhaps he was just a good guy.

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