Part Twenty

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I've already been awake ten minutes by the time Riley wakes up. "I swear, my head wants to murder me." She mumbles still half asleep, and I laugh.

"Drinking can have that effect on you." I reply and she groans.

"Ugh. I don't drink often, but when I do, it's borderline blackout drinking. I can never remember a thing the next day." She tells me and my heart sinks.

"Can't remember... Anything?" I ask slowly and she nods her head.

"Nothing." She repeats, and I force a smile. That means she wouldn't remember our kiss. Or how I kept her from drunkenly going who knows how far. Or maybe, maybe she was actually just on her way to sleep, and she didn't remember me admitting my feelings to her.

"So like, let's say that you got in a fight. You wouldn't remember it the next day?" I asked and Riley widened her eyes.

"Michelle, did we get in a fight? I'm so sorry!" She apologizes, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"No no no. We didn't fight, it was just an example," I assure her and she nods her head. "Nothing important happened. But let's say that, for future reference, something did happen. Would you want me to tell you?" I ask and Riley sighs.

"That depends. I mean, if we had sex, or something big like that, I'd want you to tell me. But if we had a fight, or something simple like a kiss," I want to break. "Then you don't need to tell me." She says and I slowly nod my head.

"Okay. I'm gonna go out for a bit." I tell Riley and she smiles.

"I'll come with you." She begins to gather her stuff and I shake my head.

"No, you stay here. I have some personal stuff to attend to." I pull my phone off the charger and grab my wallet, putting both in my pocket. After waving goodbye to Riley, I run down the twenty three flights of stairs until I'm outside the building. I slide down the wall and sit, my back touching the exterior of the hotel.

I want to cry. I know she was drunk, but I wanted that kiss to mean something.

I needed that kiss to mean something. It meant everything to me.

The thing about being drunk, is you're able to do the things you're too scared to do sober.

Call up your ex and tell them what you really think? Can't do that sober.

Sleep with a total stranger for the hell of it? Most can't do that sober.

Riley kissed me. She kissed me, and she wanted more. It has to mean something.

I stand up and start to walk to a convenience store when I'm stopped by a girl, about my age.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asks, shoving a magazine at my face. I blindly sign it before walking away. Weirdo...

I step into the store and grab a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, contemplating if it's enough. I grab another and toss them on the counter, when I spot it.

A magazine, with three faces on the cover - Riley's, Ellie's and mine.

Oooooooh! Their love/just friendsness/what are they is public! :o

The next part is going to be long - really long. I mean, she's reading the cover story from a magazine. But yeah.

It should be good.

Song for this chapter is 'If I'm Just a Friend - Jasmine V' Let me know what you guys think!


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