Part Twenty Seven

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*Flash Forward - Unknown period of time later* 

"So, what was your plan?" A reporter asked, standing up from her seat, a notebook in hand. Her head was tilted to the side, and her chocolate brown eyes reminded me of Riley, although her hair was much shorter, and blonder, than Riley's was.

"At the time, I didn't know. All I knew was that I needed to save her," I replied, looking at the ground. "Additionally, I had no prior experience that would help to guide me through it. I was following my heart, desperetly searching for the girl I love." A couple of 'awws' emmit from the audience and reporters.

"Did she know you loved her then?" A tall, lanky man with square glasses resting low on his nose asked and I shook my head.

"No. I barely knew I loved her then. So I'd assume she didn't. Besides, when I told her, she was shocked." I replied, and the man pushes his glasses up higher on his nose.

"So she knows now?" He asks and I stare out into an empty chair with a sign reading 'reserved' on it. Reserved for her. The chair is mocking me. Reminding me that she's not mine. That she's not talking to me. That she doesn't care about me enough to even show up. That she didn't mean what she said, because if she did, I wouldn't want to ball up and die.

"I think that's enough questions for now. Let's get back to the story, shall we?" I choke out, forcing a smile - the only type I've had lately.

*Present day* 

"I'm sorry, you're going where?" Monkey asks, for the tenth time the past three minutes.

"Paris, Kiki. Shell's going to Paris. Hasn't it been stated enough times by now hun?" Christie says exasperated. When she's annoyed, Christie calls people by nicknames that make mankind want to puke.

"I know, but it's just... Pissing me off." Monkey grumbles, and I laugh as I drive down the highway towards the airport.

"What part of me going to Paris to save Riley from a psychobitch in a time limit pisses you off?" I ask Monkey, and I can imagine Christie wrapping her arms around Monkey to calm her down, despite knowing a bullshit excuse will come out of her mouth.

"You didn't even invite us!" She whines and I chuckle.

"You're not coming." I tell them sternly, and Monkey starts to fake cry.

"YOU'RE A HORRIBLE FRIEND! YOU RUIN ALL THE FUN IN MY LIFE!" Monkey shrieks, and Christie laughs.

"Monkey, calm down. I just booked plane tickets for us. We'll be landing a few hours after you though, but I swear, we'll be of medium assistance! Okay gotta go pack bye!" Christie hangs up the phone and I sigh, putting it back into my pocket.

Wonderful. Because there weren't enough distractions already, since I only have to find a girl in a city of 2.2 million people that I've never been to before, where they speak a language I don't. The girl is held hostage by an insane person, and by the time I get there I'll have 26 hours to find her without any cops to help me.

And now Monkey and Christie are coming. Whoop dee fucking do.

Guys, I'm sorry I've been really bad at updating regularly. I promise I'll try harder!

I might have to get my nose repierced. I got it pierced June 20 whatever 2011, so almost exactly 2 years ago, just before I turned 13. My school in China was weird about me wearing my TINY nose stud, so I had to take it out during the school day, making the hole weird, with like a line above it. (also part of the hole, I guess) So I'm going to see the piercer guy tomorrow, and he'll let us know what we have to do.

I might have to let it close then repierce it. I'm excited to have it normal :p

PS. Dustin Kent, you're an ass!

UPDATE: By the time I edited this, I ended up not having to repierce it. I changed the nose stud to a different one, and it all turned out well. Yay!


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