Part Twenty One

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I grab the magazine and place it on the counter, and the woman starts to ring me up. She glances at the magazine, and then looks up at me.

"That's you isn't it?" She asks and I nod my head. "I've always liked Riley. She's come here for years. A real sweetheart. You got a winner." She smiles and I can't help but blush.

"Thank you..." I mumble contently, sliding a twenty across the counter. She places it in the register and hands me my change.

"Tell Riley I said hello." She says as I leave, and I nod my head.

"Will do!" I reply, and I head down an alleyway to sit in silence. I open a pack and place a cigarette in my mouth, inhaling to light it. Once lit, I breathe in, and exhale the smoke that I only breathe when I'm sad. I open up the magazine and flip to page seventy three where the article starts.

'Talented Teen Torn in Two?' It reads in big letters, a picture of Riley and Ellie kissing on one side, and Riley grabbing my hand at the celebratory dinner on the other. My eyes wander down the article and I start to read.

'Riley Shorn is a name that's been on everybody's minds lately. Despite her young age of fifteen, Shorn is on the short list for the olympics, and her book, Personal Politics, published in January, was a best seller. Her novel placed her in the record books, making her the youngest person to ever sell five million copies of a book, which is to be turned into a movie soon. Someone as gorgeous and talented as Shorn should have no trouble with love - but it's never as simple as it seems.' I roll my eyes, secretly terrified as I turn to the next paragraph.

'Yesterday, while being questioned about the upcoming film adaptation, Ellie Gordon approached Shorn and passionately kissed her, until Shorn pushed her off. Shorn gave Gordon and angry look before storming off.' I grinned, proud that Riley would hold her own.

'Two years ago, Shorn aged 13, Gordon 15, Shorn not yet famous, and Gordon just getting started, the two were a couple.' Two pictures of them together was on the side, both smiling widely in one while holding hands, them kissing in the other. Both made my heart hurt.

'Last year, pictures arose of Gordon with pop star Jordan Tyler, resulting in Shorn breaking up with Gordon. Shorn received a book deal, and switched to a California boarding school that will not be named. Early this year, Shorn was moved up into the junior class, her new roommate Michelle Browne.' A picture of me is next to the quote, and a wave of relief washes over me, knowing it's a good picture.

'"Michelle's a great girl," Monkey, one of Michelle's best friends told us. "Riley and Michelle would be great together.",' Thanks Monkey. Always there for me. 'The oddly named teenager is not the only one who thinks so. We here at U! Weekly magazine are all in favor of the couple dubbed 'Mirah', a combination of their names.' It's pretty nice having people say that, but at the same time, it doesn't matter. Riley will still insist that we're 'just friends'.

'The duo arrived in Hollywood on Sunday, and haven't been spotted apart since, besides the time of the Gordon incident. Lots of times, the two were seen standing too close, or holding hands, even staring at each other lovingly,' I turn to the side and find a few pictures of us, holding hands, her and I staring at each other and walking down the street with our arms touching. 'Despite the evidence that says otherwise, Shorn continues to insist they are just friends. "Michelle is my best friend. We've known each other for three weeks, but we've gotten so close. We're friends, that's all." Shorn said when asked about their situation. But even still, we can't help but think she's lying.'

I sigh and close the magazine after finishing the article. It's hard to read about this, knowing that Riley is so convinced that nothing will ever happen between us. But I promise myself, that I will make sure that something would happen, if it's the last thing I ever do.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. It's just really... I don't know. The song for this chapter is Celebrity Status - Marianas Trench



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