Part Thirty Two

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Riley's POV

I sip at my coffee, as I try to stay awake to focus on the lecture. My mind was spinning, hundreds of thoughts running through it a second, but none of them actually going anywhere.

I would be fine whether or not I payed any attention, but Honors Calc 2 isn't exactly a big class, and it was easy to tell if someone is listening or not.

"Miss Shorn?" The teachers voice pulls me out of my head, and I look up at him. "Perhaps you could share with us how to solve this problem?" I slowly get up, walking over to the front of the classroom, where Mr. Logine stood, his arms crossed in his usual flamboyant way.

I take a whiteboard marker from the base of the board, and uncap it, placing the cap on the back of the marker. I look at the problem momentarily before scribbling on the board, explaining my work as I go on. I recap the marker after a while, and go back to my seat. I didn't need to hear what he said to know I was right. I zone out once again, until the loud click click click of heels interrupts my thoughts.

I turn my head to the door, as does the rest of the class, to find Ms. Crotz, the main office worker of the school, holding a post-it note in between two overly manicured nails.

"Riley Shorn, you have an urgent phone call," She tells me, and I narrow my eyes. I slowly stand up and walk over to her, looking at the post it in her hands.

"I don't recognize this number," I tell her, and she rolls her eyes, as though her being here, doing her job, is taking time away from her doing the crossword puzzle in People Magazine.

"Well maybe they changed their number. Either way, you gotta come and take the call," She replies angrily, and I check the time. Class ends in eight minutes, so I pick up all my things, just in case it takes longer than that.

I give a slight wave to Mr. Logine before following the office worker down the hall. We're not even two steps out of the classroom before she turns to me.

"So you're that famous rich chick who is involved with Michelle, right?" She asks, pursing her lips. I force a laugh, completely taken aback by the sudden question. "You can't deny it, sweetie. It's all over the magazines."

"Involved isn't the right word. We're only friends, really," I reply, and she stares at me, one eyebrow raised, as though she knows I'm lying. "Okay, we kissed once and she has feelings for me, but that's it," I look, and wait for the eyebrow to go down, but it doesn't. "What are you waiting for me to say?" I ask exasperated, and she grins.

"The truth," She responds blankly, and I look at her weirdly.

"I just told you the truth."

"Mhmm," She grins. "Just keep telling yourself that," She pushes open the door to the office, holding it just long enough for me to get in. Prancing over to the phone, she presses a finger to a button on the phone, and hands it to me.

"Hello?" I ask slowly, and a giggle comes through the phone. A giggle I know all too well. "Nikki?" I turn to see the office worker sitting there, headphones in playing loud music and, of course, a People Magazine crossword puzzle in her hands

"Hey sis," A voice nearly identical to my own runs through the phone, sending a chill up my spine. "I've missed you."

"Who the fuck is this? Do you think this is some kind of a practical joke?" I growl through clenched teeth, and 'Nikki' sighs.

"I swear, Riley, it's me. I can prove it. Ask me anything," She says, and I rack my head for the perfect question, that only she and I could answer.

"What was the last thing you said to me?" I ask, knowing there was no way to fake the answer.

"Embrace who you are. Those who matter won't care," She says without missing a beat, and tears start to well up in my eyes. It really is Nikki.

"Nikki. It's really you. I've missed you so much," I say, my voice shaking, on the verge of tears.

"I've missed you too. I've been watching over you, and I had to beg the angels to let me call you. I can't talk for long, but you need to listen carefully. In the freshman hall, there is an abandoned room that hasn't been used in years. It's still in good condition, and you need to go there. It's safer for you right now."

"Should I tell Michelle?" I ask, and Nikki sighs.

"You need to leave Michelle behind. You can't talk to her about this or anything. Do it before school ends tomorrow. Not enough time today."

"I can't leave Michelle behind!" I cry out, my insides feeling ripped apart.

"Why not?" Nikki asks, as though she already knows why. In my head, a virtual montage of moments between me and Michelle are playing in my head, before it hits me.

"Because I'm in love with her..." I mumble, and I imagine Nikki smiling. I want to smile, but I know that I have to leave her tomorrow. I can't decide between smiling and crying, so I stand there emotionless.

"I know. But you can do it. Everything will work best that way. I love you, Riley. I'll see you soon."

The line goes dead.

And inside, so do I.

HakkafkskytzotakyarfzleymarjLrhl OH MY GOD THIS.

Sorry I didn't post. I had just... Hectic and shitty and pain filled days. But I'm posting again.

First tri I have APUSH, AP Chinese 5, H Chem, H American Lit, H Algebra 2.

RIP me.

Anyways, check out my other stories! I'll be updating soon!

What did you guys think of Nikki showing up? From the dead? Think it's the real Nikki and I'm gonna end up turning this into a lesbian love story with action, mystery, suspense AND paranormal parts? Or is it some sick trick?

HEY! That rhymes!

A big shoutout to my real life friends reading my stories. Love you guys!

Well, my internet friends are real life too, but like, people I first met in person.

Shoutout to my internet friends too.

And my readers who I'm not friends with.


Anyways, like, comment, share, enjoy!


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